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Hi there and welcome to RO!

Two males can live together, but its typically the most difficult pairto bond. I have 2 boys who are now bonded, but it took a lot of timeand patience to do.

Do you have two boys now? The first step would be to have them bothneutered, which will help cut down on aggressive behavior a bit. Then,you have to try bonding them very slowly on neutral territory. And youhave to be very careful. They can severely hurt and even kill oneanother if they fight.

Hope that helps a bit :D
Hiya Kizzie, welcome to Rabbits Only!!:welcome1

Yep, I agree with all Haley said - it can work, but it's difficult.

Have you already got them? Tell us about them if you do :)

Michaela:), Ebony:bunny5, Pebble:anotherbun and Maddie:bunny16

Hi Kizzie...welcome to Rabbits Only!!

We're happy to have you!


Rosie & the Herd :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
I have a tan and white lop ear bunny Named HipHop.A friend of mine use to rescue Great Danes.(she now has twin girls and can't doit any longer)

Anyway she called me abut a Dane at a high kill dog pound to help herpull it. When I was there I saw Hip Hop in a cage in the cat room so Irescued him. That was three years ago he is great. I don't want anotherbunny because he is a male and very happy. But my mother-in -law wantsto buy her grandson a bunny and keep it at her shop so kids could seeit.

BIG NO !!!that is not why you buy a baby bunny :XI have triedto talk her out of it . So she said well if it doesn't work out will Itake it. Do you see where I'm going with this, I WILL end up with thisbunnyso I told her to get a male. Sorry I cannotafford to get them neutered.

Hip Hop lives in a indoor outdoorBunny paradise I will post pictures soon.

I want to add I loved all the greeting:kiss:

Can't wait to see bunny pic's :bunnydance:Hip Hop is such a cute name :)

Your story kinda reminds me of a similiar one in my life.....A certainfamily member of mine wanted to get not one but two cockatiels afterseeing mine (I knew she would not keep them for their entire life) sureenough guess who has two more birds????

If your mother in law gets a bunny would someone be there to take careof it every day? What kind of shop is it?

Its great of you to offer to take the bunny ifthings dont work out, but maybe it would be better to really try totalk her out of it altogether? Would printing out some info on thedanger grabby kids can pose to rabbit help? Or to suggest gettinganother pet that would be better with kids?

I would be worried that the bunny might not ever even live to make itto your home. Who will be there to take care of him at night? What ifthere was an emergency?

Also, if you cannot afford a neuter for your guy, do you really thinkits a good time to take on another bunny? Would you be able to affordfood, hay and supplies for him. And again, if there was an emergencywould you be able to afford vet visits?

Just some things to think about. If neither bunny would be neutered Ithink it would be almost impossible to bond them. You would have tojust house them separately.

Anyway, just some things to think about. ;)I hope youre ableto talk your MIL out of it. And I would love to see some pics of yourlittle guy!

I haveagreat Vet that takesgood care of all my animals. But he does not neuter rabbits . All myanimals are fixed ,well fed the best foods any anything they need orwant :D

I had aFHO operation on my Chow/X she was born withhip displsay(sp?)$400.00, I resued a mama cat and thanks toneuterscooter. when the babies were 6mos. I was able to get everyonefixed. I could go on and on but that is just a couple ofthings I have done . I rescue animals and I know my limits .

Kizzie :bunnydance:

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