a big black thing gave me a kiss!!

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Since we are talking about us bunnies and other animals i have to tell you about my friend! He is a rat! my cage is outside and there is a rat that lives in the woods next to us. he is scared of my mommy. i dont know why maybe it is because she dose not like him around my cage. anyway i let him eat the food i dump out of my cage it keeps the ants away! one time he got in my cage and tried to drink my water. i said that was not about to happen i scared him off. no one takes my water! i do not even like it when my mommy takes my water bottle. its mine!!
My swave is a big golden fwat retweiver dog. mommy calls her lily. she is very nice to me and sumtimes we snuggle! :) and when shwe is not hungwey anymore i eat her doggy food:yahoo:! it is sooooo yummy! is there anybun else out there that wikes doggy food? i think it is dawisious! yum yum yum! i sumtimes tink i am half bun half doggy, but my bun side is smarterd!:nod when my mommy slave gets home i will tell her to put on this post a picsure of me and slave lily cuz i am not so good on the compooter bsides typing:crash. see you buns all laterd!!! BYE!!!
trixie :rabbithop
Wow! I dint no that everbunny else had these. I have a Roxy, and she is so cool. I jus go lay by her, and Floppy leaves me alone. When I was just meeting him and not in the mood to be frisky, I jus hide behin the Roxy. She is my protector.



Floppy always askin me, "why do you play wif dat ting?"


Look we hav the same ears!
Wat getses me is the kitties! Hmph! They look so muche like us bunners an I just can't hide my curryosety! nope! I just be like flirtin with them, an then WACK!:X I get a paw to my face! I go hmph! That's not nice an turn away!

Lyke todey, i was just sittin, lookin' at Lola (da cat!) and I was like purring for hers, seing if she would go outs on a date wif me...but then....then I just get slapped across da nose!:shock: I jumped betuz it was scarey! I kno flirt with her after! My mommy scooped her up by the scruff and tossed her on the bed and scolded hers for hittsing me! I just grinned :)

Messisseppy (i donts know how to spel my own nayme! :?)


My first flame was a kitty too. I would chaseHootyHooand she would play hard to get. :inlove:But I have a girl bunny now and she is the bestest girl bunny in da whole wide world.

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