A 2nd Chance

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I wanted to update with some before and afterpictures of Chance so that we can see the difference today from when Igot him! I was sure stunned when I actually went back to the pictureand did a comparison. Amazing...

Here was Chance's back about10 minutesafter hearrived here...(notice how wirey and matted his little tail is...)



And here's his ears, solid brown with pee when I first got him...


HOWEVER, Here'sChance last week. Check out that sexy bunny butt with a tail full of fluffy hair and pretty gray ears!


My boy has come so far and I just wanted to share the before and after... :inlove:
You have done so well by him. Pat yourself on the back.

I'm sure Chance thinks he's in heaven since he came to live with you.

You've made such a difference in his life. You two have areally special bond. It's obvious in your posts andpictures. You can tell how grateful he is to be in yourcare.

I'm off for most of the day to go babysit theneighbor's kids (9 and 2, such sweeties!) and they want me to bringChance over so they can play with him. He loves thekids anddog, so he's going over there with me to hang with his 'friends'.

I'm bringing the camera, I'll post pics later, so stay tuned!
Look at that improvement! You are a miracle worker! A true bunny whisperer! I can't wait to see more pictures!
Awww no pics, the kids were too hyper for me tostop for one second to grab a pic. He did run around the house, jump onthe sofa, play under the bed, and chase the kids around. So he had apretty good time. :cool:
Hey - how is Chance doing? Haven'theard anything about his health in a while - are you still taking himto the vet to find out what's going on? I thnk I must havemissed some updates, can't remember if there was any resolution aboutanything...
