gmas rabbit
Well-Known Member
I cannot believe it. It has been 10 years already since 9-11. They were talking on the tv last night about the number of people who are still getting sick from the exposure to the collapse of the twin towers ( something like 20,000 ). I feel so bad for the families that lost loved ones and are still bearing the scars not only from the lose, financial burden, lives not lived to full potential and the illnesses. 10 years ago I went out to my daughter's in Alberta to babysit when she was due to deliver. Several days later they attempted to induse labour and were going to send her home. She started to hemmorage, and Logan was born by "C"section. At the time we were told they didn't think that they could save either. But things turned out fine and 3 days before 9-11 they were released from the hospital. The day of 9-11 it was my 50th birthday and we all got up with great expectations. Life seemed good, Logan and my daughter were home and healthy, we were going out to celebrate. We never left the house once the TV was turned on. 9-11 this year I am celebrating my OMG I cannot believe I am that old birthday. 9-11 the event that changed our thinking, sense of safety, our communities and country. What are you doing that day?