8 day old rabbie Pictures!

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Welcome aboard, sandhills_rabbits!

Absolutely adorable!We love to see their pictures.

Fergihad done that and now her babies are about to beadopted. It was such fun to watch them grow.

They're absolutely beautiful colors.

So glad Pam has another homeschoolingfriend.


sandhills_rabbits wrote:
Mybunnyboys, thanks so much for the compliment on thecuties.... I'll be sure to tell them that you said they are precious.And yep, they're lops! I'm so excited because i cant wait to see themrunning around with their eyes open AND their floppy ears!
You have no idea how much I love black japanese lops! Oh gosh I'm in love with them, lol.
Those babies are to die for, they are so cute.Their coloring sort of reminds me of my rabbit Chompers. He's a loptoo, although I'm not 100% sure what kind.

I know that rabbits with those specific markings are harlequin, but arelops still consideried harlequin's? It's my understanding that lops arenot naturally harlequined colored and marked.
Thanks so much everyone for the sweet comments onthe babies.... seeing baby bun pictures is always so much fun! I dontthink i've ever seen a baby bunny that I didnt think was absolutelyadorable :)

I uploaded some more pictures of Cupcake, the bigger baby (MY baby...hee hee!) and I also took some lousy pictures of the mom, Carmelita,and the dad, BunBun. BunBun was mad at me because the camera has aflash on it which he didnt like, so he was thumping at me angrily thewhole time. Carmelita was trying to get some relaxation-time in, awayfrom her little babes, so she was keeping a low-profile in her crittercarrier, which i keep in her custom made bunny hutch. Please try andoverlook the mess Carmelita made with the newspaper. I'm not sure why,but she loves to rip up newspaper. She cant get enough of therip-rip-rip sound, so i've been indulging her favorite pasttime (andobsession!) of choice. I'll try and get better pictures of her in allher hairy, furry glory next time she's out.....

Anyways, here's the pictures....

More pics of Cupcake:




Pictures of the Mommy, Carmelita:


Pictures of the proud Papa, BunBun:

Awww Those babies are so adorable!! I love theircoloring. The mom and dad arebeauties too. Thats the firstlong haired lop Ive ever seen. I so love lops. I wanted to raise somebut hubby wont let me. :X

That's too bad that the hubby wont let you raiseany lops.... I guess i'm lucky that my husband pretty much indulges myholland lop obsession. Now if i can just get him to give the "okay" ongetting some flemish giants.... and angoras... and netherland dwarfs...and...etc, etc, etc. :)

Carmelita was actually a bunny that I rescued from a Fish Store.... howweird is that?! I had never seen a long haired lop before either, butshe was there along with her brother. Sadly I could only get one bun,and I fell in love with her.

Thanks for the kind compliments on the babes....If people keep sayinghow cute the babies are they are going to grow up to be the mostegotistical rabbits ever! lol....

I'm sure you'll probably give a better guess than me, Pam, but here'smy train of thought when Isee the picture of Carmelita...

Body & fur alone, I thought of a Satin Angora.
Head & ears look more Mini Lop typed.
And since she does not resemble the Fuzzy Lop's that I've seen aroundhere, and taken into consideration her head & ears, I ruledthat out.
So I'll settle with a Lop Earred Satin Angora :p.


And I would guess BunBun to be a Smoke Pearl Mini Lop.

Just my guesses!
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
That's too bad that the hubby wont let you raise anylops.... I guess i'm lucky that my husband pretty much indulges myholland lop obsession. Now if i can just get him to give the "okay" ongetting some flemish giants.... and angoras... and netherland dwarfs...and...etc, etc, etc. :)

LOL.....Thats the problem with hubby and mini lops.....I have nethies,mini rex, dutch, and a few mixes. Altogether I have 24 buns. So, Iguess I can understand hubby's refusal. Even if I dont like it. LOL

MyBunnyBoys wrote:

I know that rabbits with those specific markings are harlequin, but arelops still consideried harlequin's? It's my understanding that lops arenot naturally harlequined colored and marked.

Yes, the correct term is harlequin. While harlequin is not anaccpeted color pattern in any breed except for the harlequin breeditself, tri-color (broken harlequin) is quite common.

The rabbits are gorgeous!

Without pedigrees, we're really not going to be able to know forcertain -- to be most accurate, we can refer to them as mixed breedlops.

I couldn't see the satin sheen you are referring to Sunshine (but itcould be). I agree that Carmelita doesn't appear tohave the type or wool of a purebred American Fuzzy Lop -- more likely amix or a wooled Mini Lop.

Since any of the lops can produce "fuzzies or woolies", the weights ofthe parents might give us a better idea if they are MiniLops. I think Bun Bun is a sable point (are his eyes brown?).


pamnock wrote:
Yes,the correct term is harlequin. While harlequin is not anaccpeted color pattern in any breed except for the harlequin breeditself, tri-color (broken harlequin) is quite common.

Thanks for clearing that up. :)That always managed to confuseme! For some reason I just always assumed that if they had theharlequin markings, they were classified under the Harlequin breed.
pamnock wrote:
The rabbits are gorgeous!

Without pedigrees, we're really not going to be able to know forcertain -- to be most accurate, we can refer to them as mixed breedlops.

I couldn't see the satin sheen you are referring to Sunshine (but itcould be). I agree that Carmelita doesn't appear tohave the type or wool of a purebred American Fuzzy Lop -- more likely amix or a wooled Mini Lop.

Since any of the lops can produce "fuzzies or woolies", the weights ofthe parents might give us a better idea if they are MiniLops. I think Bun Bun is a sable point (are his eyes brown?).


It was this pic that gave me the idea... the coat *seems* tohavesheen to it (at least on my monitor). But nowthat I see more pics thatsandhills_rabbitsput up, I'll agree withWooled Mini Lop (estimating the rabbits pictured are roughly 4-6lbs.)

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