8 day old rabbie Pictures!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2004
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The Heartland of the USA!, , USA
My longhaired calico lop, Carmelita, had herfirst litter of babies 8 days ago. She is the best mom ever! Her litterwas very, very small.... she had 4 babies- 1 was absolutely massive,and had a broken neck when born, and 1 was not fully developed, so onlytwo of her babes made it. I feel so bad that she lost two of herbabies, but I almost feel like it was for the best since she is a firsttime mom. This way she is not run ragged by babies to feed and carefor. Here's pictures of her sweeties. I've decided to keep both ofthem, and we've already named them Buttercup and Cupcake.

Pictures of my baby, Cupcake:



Pictures of my daughter's baby, Buttercup:


They're stunning, so beautiful! Congratulations to you and the new mom :D
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
Pictures of my daughter's baby, Buttercup:

First Photo: LOOK AT THAT BUTT! and round little tummy :)

Second Photo: Please kiss those precious feets adn that little nosey!

OMG they are adorable you lucky dog you! :)
Dont worry.... I've already kissed all thesweeties' little noses and feet! Everytime I hold them I cant pass upthe opportunity to smother them in kisses!!! :)

The baby I've decided is ALL MINE (Cupcake) does have the cutest littlebunny butt and has the roundest tummy.... Of course my daughter hasdecided that her personal fave is the other baby, Buttercup! Everytimei see the little rascals it amazes me at how well fed their mommy iskeeping them.
One question I have about my baby buns.... Themom is a long haired Calico Lop (and I mean LONG HAIR!) and the fatheris a shorthaired lop that looks to have Siamese-type markings. Will thebabies end up being short haired, long haired, or in between? I didntnot if long hair is a dominent trait, or short hair is..... How longwill it take to know what their "forever" coats are going to look like?
Beautiful wrigglies! Mine are now 12 days old andhave left the nest - they've become evil!! Following Blade around -poor bugger can't get any peace!

Relish your time with the blind wrigglies - for soon all Hell shall ensue! (LOL, only joking: they're even cuter!!):)
LindseyandKen wrote:
Beautiful wrigglies! Mine are now 12 days old and have leftthe nest - they've become evil!! Following Blade around - poor buggercan't get any peace!

Relish your time with the blind wrigglies - for soon all Hell shall ensue! (LOL, only joking: they're even cuter!!):)
*ahemm*....... Got pictures?? :D
I'm very excited about the prospect of having 2"wobblies" roaming around, instead of just wriggling around. I do knowthat it'll be a real adventure having the little rascals out and about,getting into everything.... I've literally been counting down the daysuntil their eyes and ears open. I figure anytime from thursday throughsunday all the excitement will REALLY begin!

Lindseyandken, how many wrigglies did your proud bunny parents have? Ican only imagine what the babies' mommy is dealing with, having allthose little rascals chasing after her!
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
I'm very excited about the prospect of having 2 "wobblies"roaming around, instead of just wriggling around.

Lindseyandken, how many wrigglies did your proud bunny parents have? Ican only imagine what the babies' mommy is dealing with, having allthose little rascals chasing after her!
Blade had 7 wrigglies! Unfortunately one died on Xmas morning - it wasthe greediest and got pulled out of the nest when Blade finishedfeeding. They're all GORGEOUS, but I wasn't prepared for when theireyes opened - I'd never had kits before and they're insane!

I posted some (badly blurred) pics onhttp://uk.msnusers.com/MyWriggliesif you wanted to see: they're a lot bigger now, and getstillbiggerevery day. Don't know what's in bunny milk but it's gotplenty of calories!

Lol @ Bo - I haven't got a digital camera but will get anotherdisposable asap, with photo CD! I'm dying for you all to see Jasmin andPhoenix now; they're the size of a small county!

Lindsey x

sandhills_rabbits wrote:
One question I have about my baby buns.... The mom is a longhaired Calico Lop (and I mean LONG HAIR!) and the father is ashorthaired lop that looks to have Siamese-type markings. Will thebabies end up being short haired, long haired, or in between? I didntnot if long hair is a dominent trait, or short hair is..... How longwill it take to know what their "forever" coats are going to looklike?
I love the color!!!! (black japanese)

Do you have photos of mom & dad?

Wool is a recessive trait. Normal hair may show incompletedominance resulting in a slightly longer coat in wooled genecarriers. It's not unusual for lop breeds to carry therecessive wooled gene, so even though dad has normal short hair, itdoes not rule out some of the baies having wool. You shouldbe able to get a good idea by 4 to 6 weeks if they are going to bewooled rather than just "fluffy".


Shown below is "Dude", a holland lop who is a wooled genecarrier. When bred to normal furred recessive wooled genecarriers, many of the offspring have wool.
Oh my gosh your babies are sooooooo cute!!!! Icant pick out a favorite because they are all so different looking andadorable! I love the pictures of Blaze, Pheonix, and Jasmine, but eachand every Wobblie is way too cute. The momma is just absolutelygorgeous also!

I just looked at your profile -- I'm a homeschooling mom also!

Currently homeschooling3 of my kids: Stephanie 16, Ryan 14 & Matthew 5.

sandhills_rabbits wrote:
Oh my gosh your babies are sooooooo cute!!!! I cant pick outa favorite because they are all so different looking and adorable! Ilove the pictures of Blaze, Pheonix, and Jasmine, but each and everyWobblie is way too cute. The momma is just absolutely gorgeous also!

Thank you! As are yours! :)
Pam, thanks so much for the excellent info on the Wool trait!
I'll have to take pictures of both the mom and the dad and postthem.... Carmelita, the mom, has very long hair, and is very furry.When I bought her she had not been groomed in quite a while, and shehad wood shavings embedded in her coat. We had to spend quite a longtime brushing her to rid her of all the mats and clumps of hair, andeven then some of the big, nasty clumps had to be cut out. I felt sobad for her, but now her coat is much better. No clumps at all!

You homeschool your children also? It's always wonderful to hear aboutother people that homeschool also. It takes a lot of time, patience anddedication. I only have one child, so i've got it relatively easythough.... i couldnt imagine homeschooling 3 children! I bet that keepsyou very, very busy!

Mybunnyboys, thanks so much for the compliment on the cuties.... I'llbe sure to tell them that you said they are precious. And yep, they'relops! I'm so excited because i cant wait to see them running aroundwith their eyes open AND their floppy ears!

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