Hey all!
Finally I get thechance to check back!
Things have gone in a waaaaaay different direction than I expected.
When we moved here we intended to stay with my Mother in law until we find an apartment and job. But then a lot of things happened- MIL assaulted me which of course started big problems. Its a long story so I cant tell any details about her but I have honestly never seen such a rotten bad person in my entire life.
Now I perfectly understand what my husband always talked about, and we shouldnt have went there. My husband will never speak to her again.
We left her house with our suitcases and were homeless for a while, moved into a Motel from where we tried getting our life back together. Neither of us has a drivers liscense so we were stuck in that place..walking everywhere to save money etc.
At that time I wouldnt know if I would ever be able to home the bunnys not having a home myself
Every day we spent hours looking for an apartment that was decent and affordable. At the same time I went to more job interviews and luckily got hired in Manhattan.
Well..and we ended up in eastern LONG ISLAND O_O. Its far, but nice and the price is low..it even has a kitchen and laundry room. We also have a small yard ( I already dreamed of the bunnys playing there^^')
My husband is still against the bunnys but I cant keep them in germany much longer and will fly them here Oct/Nov hopefully. I was even thinking to bring all of them over here ...in those 2 months I missed every single one of them. And who knows..if things get better we will move into a bigger place in the next 6 month and I might have the chance to keep all of them...and if I will give some away maybe I can give them to someone I could stay in touch with.:?
I have Internet now and will get the chance to visit the forum at least every weekend (I get home 8pm weekdays and get up at 5 so Im always too tired for the pc)