Well-Known Member
Oh wait i for got to say we just warmed the other baby bun up, and it is fine now.
May be. she is acting normal.Are you sure? Just like that?
I would leave them be for a while but do you think Mum bun has more kits or do you think thats it?
Sorry i mean the top, she can in by the side.
No the kits cant wriggle out i will check on her after we eat.Can she stand up in the nest box? Is the hole for her to get in high up enough so the kits cant accidently wriggle out?
Hopefully she will feed them within 24 hours of birth. Sounds like she is going to be a stressy mum.
...? Well i think it was faulse.
Teddy is a little young ( yes thats him as my avater.)