Shaded Night Rabbitry
Well-Known Member
Gah! Now I have to watch what I say, since you joined all the forums I frequent!

lelanatty wrote:heya! =3Hi Megan, it's been a while
Great looking babies you have XD I like Firefly a lot.
and Shaded Night's [guess his color] is a chestnut?
And how are your spots and angoras doing?
I adore Firefly also. reallllly hoping she shines up to be something really nice, so I don't feel bad about sending off her mom 3 weeks bred! teehee.
The 'chestnut' is a sable chin. ;D Darn shagouti's! He doesn't quite look like the ones I've seen in pictures, but who knows.
I no longer have the spots. Gave them to a friend in CA, who's expanded from just the two to a small herd of them, although I don't know how many. My angoras are good! The buck I have is shaping up VERY nicely, and should make a great herd buck. just needs to finish up his coat! The doe is meh, and may end up going into another 'project' of mine. But I may also keep that 'project' purebred so I get wool also. Dunno. =3 I'll have to take update photos soon!
how's your herd doing?