4 days old photo shoot! :)

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to me the one being called a tri-color looks more like a broken tort. Which would make since as there is a solid tort in the litter as well.
Now that I am looking at it, I can tell that bunnies 2 and 3 are definitely rex. I think bunny 1 is normal, but it could be rex too. Bunny 4 is in a different position, so I can't tell.
I was thinking broken tort for bunny number 2 too. If you look at where the darker colour is located it is all in the same areas that would be shaded if it was a solid tort. Super cute though!
No, I think they are all rex:). Bunny 1looks like it could be a red charlie, bunny 2 is a broken tort, bunny 3 is a tort, and bunny 4 looks like a fawn/red charlie or maybe a REW.
MyBabyHasPaws wrote:
ahem.. more pix? LOL

Haha.. their coming.. their coming!! Actually, yesterday I didnt take any pics. There wasnt a huge noticable difference in the bunnies. I will take pics today. I dont like to go check on them until after 10am. Seems they get fed around that time. I actually never checked on them before bed lastnight either. Been giving them a break! :)

Is it true, that if I put the doe with the buck after so many hours from the first time.. their will possibly be more kits? or is this just a coincidental thing that happens? He got her 3 times in one visit. But maybe I will try two visits next time?

My Thumper doesnt appreciate the whole breeding process. She is not a happy camper when I put her in there. So I think Iwill leave her out of my breeding program.
Day 6

It is getting harder to take pictures! They are moving around more!

Bunny 1

Bunny 2

Bunny 3

Bunny 4

I think I got them in the same order as before!! Bunny 1 and 4 are very similar! With the exception of different colored ears.. and one of them has a couple spots on their backs.

Bunny 3 gave me a hard time today. Was hard to get pics of all of them.. but #3 was the hardest. It didnt want to sit still for me!
On Bunny #1, that little black spot.. is not a spot on it.. it ended up being a tiny piece of poop. The bunny was sitting so still though that I had to take the picture then clean it off afterwards! :)
ohh they are GORGEOUS!!! !!!!!!

I have read that sometimes people will re-breed the same day a few hours later to try and increase kit count. You could try and see if that works, makes sense to me.
I will try that. Its not a big deal if I dont get more than 4 kits.. just want to try it.

And yes, #2 is quite cute. I cant even say which is my favourite yet. I cant wait to see which are males and which are females.
bhoffman wrote
Haha.. their coming.. their coming!! Actually, yesterday I didnt take any pics. There wasnt a huge noticable difference in the bunnies. I will take pics today. I dont like to go check on them until after 10am. Seems they get fed around that time. I actually never checked on them before bed lastnight either. Been giving them a break! :)

Is it true, that if I put the doe with the buck after so many hours from the first time.. their will possibly be more kits? or is this just a coincidental thing that happens? He got her 3 times in one visit. But maybe I will try two visits next time?

My Thumper doesnt appreciate the whole breeding process. She is not a happy camper when I put her in there. So I think Iwill leave her out of my breeding program.
Not always. Sometimes once is enough to make a huge litter and sometimes two breedings can make bigger litters. It does highly depend on the does age. an older doe bred two separate times has a better chance of having babies (not necessarily more) than only being bred in one meeting. One of my first time mommas was bred 6 times in between two breedings and ended up having 7 babies. But then I had an older doe that was bred 4-5 times and only had two. You end up figuring an average litter size and it varies doe by doe. Its the luck of the draw really Im sure there is some way to figure it out but I've noticed we have better chances of getting a better litter size when breeding 5-6 times between two breedings happening within a 1-3hour time span.

As far as colors people are very spread out with opinions lol. Since bunny 1 and 4 have so little color it will be impossible to tell what true color they are without test breeding to find out their genes. That can become very invasive but Since you have two torts in the litter already I would assume the other two are also both torts but like I said you can't tell just by looking at them obviously. Bunny 2 is definitely a broken tort and 3 is a solid tort.

I noticed you were asking about tris. Ill find some good tri color pics for you
Here is a tri color mini rex. The black spots are supposed to be anywhere and interspersed with the red color. Tri is the broken variety of harlequin and those two colors are recommended be bred to each other. Reds can also be used.

Sarah, seriously, big props to you girl.. you really know your stuff! Not only talking about this thread either.

What would happen if you bred a doe to one buck and then an hour later to another? would you get kits from the both bucks? might just be a stupid question lol

Tri's - So the bright orange color I see in some tri's arent show quality good?

I think they're gorgeous and I really love the tri color.
MyBabyHasPaws wrote:
Sarah, seriously, big props to you girl.. you really know your stuff! Not only talking about this thread either.

What would happen if you bred a doe to one buck and then an hour later to another? would you get kits from the both bucks? might just be a stupid question lol

Tri's - So the bright orange color I see in some tri's arent show quality good?

I think they're gorgeous and I really love the tri color.

I agree with you!! Sarah you do know your stuff..and I enjoy watching for your responses.. and good question about two different bucks.. i cant wait to see an answer.
One of my litters that I breed I got a supprise. They only mated 1-2 times but I ended up getting 8 or 9 babies out of the mother who was a first time mother. All of the babies made it. Shiny Things is one of the babies from that litter. She is 2nd or 3rd generation born at my house.
^ Thats what happened to my friend. She bred a first time mom at 6mos only once and got 6 babies. I was so jealous cause I sold her that girl and I only got two out of her sister lol

MyBabyHasPaws wrote:
Sarah, seriously, big props to you girl.. you really know your stuff! Not only talking about this thread either.

What would happen if you bred a doe to one buck and then an hour later to another? would you get kits from the both bucks? might just be a stupid question lol

Tri's - So the bright orange color I see in some tri's arent show quality good?

I think they're gorgeous and I really love the tri color.
Thank you lol. Ive been at this since senior year of high school after winning 2nd in my FFA show and winning some big bucks. Sadly that was my last year for meat pens but I ended up finding my tans and fell in love :) Its been about 4.5 years since I started breeding and showing so I have seen plenty but not everything! Its very enriching and Im glad I can help on here :)

As for two different bucks Yes you can. For this one I have to look back in my Reproduction Class notes lol. Rabbits have a Duplex uterus which is basically two separate functioning uterus. Technically rabbits can become pregnant on one side and if bred again can become pregnant on the other. This is not recommended at all with two separate bucks if you are worried about pedigrees. There is no way to tell which is the father of which baby unless tests are ran. Also why it isnt recommended test breeding does to see if she is actually pregnant 48+ hours after the first mating because the mother might end up with too many young to properly care for. Some people do this to see if the doe accepts the buck but this isnt always an accurate way of determining pregnancy and other ways should be used such as palpation.

Tri colors are supposed to be like any other broken variety as in having more than 10% color and no more than 50%. But they are supposed to have spots of either black, blue, chocolate, or lilac with an orange/red or fawn base color if you will. I say red because thats what it looks like to me in mini rex colors but it is a bright orange. Does that help? They are very gorgeous!

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