3 neutered male bunnies....no fights, just love.

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Aww, sounds like you're off to a great start! I love how they're all the same colour, but slightly different markings and different breeds, they'll look sooo pretty together when they're all bonded! :)

I'll definately be referring back to this when we start to bond our 4... although I think we may wait til Snowy is spayed now.

Oh, and I love how Marlin still has the longer bits round the front of his face, like a long fringe! It's so cute! :inlove:

But...if Brody bonds to them two, does this mean I can't have him. :(

Haha, just kidding. But they do look so great together! I love how they kinda color coordinate too, you know?
Yay for Amy! :D:D

They are such sweetie pies, I'm not surprised! :D As cute as ever!! I love how their colours are similar too, but they all look totally different.. just perfect!

Pebbles when she was younger looked really shaggy with her mane thinning, but now she has her gorgeous thick mane back! :D

Holy cow, thank you for all the comments, every one :biggrin2:! The bunno's are going to be so happy when I tell them how cute everyone thinks they are when they are TOGETHER, as a GROUP ;)...hehe.

I actually think it's hilarious that they are all the same colors, besides Morgan's "stripes" of black and a few other random Harlequin patterns. I'll have one weird looking trio!

I am still iffy about bonding Morgan into the mix. I really wanted him to be my 100% free range house bunny when Ryan and I get our house in May/June or a bit later. BUT....the bunnies will have a whole room to theirselves, plus run time around the house every night, and atleast Morgy will have buddies.

I am so stinkin' tired from work and I am supposted to clean the rattie cage tonight, but I think I'll let that slide until tomorrow night and do another bonding session with the bunnies...it's a lot of work, though, lol.

I hope there is less poop this time and Brody doesn't pee a river on the bathroom floor :p.

Of course, pictures to follow. Dinner is cooking, so I am going to clean litter boxes now, eat dinner, then do the session :D.
Thanks, trailsend :D.

I think I'll save both rattie cage cleaning and bunny bonding until tomorrow. I really am wicked tired tonight.


I usually fit bonding in with other activities I do.. with Pebbles and Jasmine, I sometimes have them in a laundry basket on the computer with me.. so they get used to each other. It's working really well for me! Puts them in an unfamiliar situation, but they have to be so close together they usually cuddle together. Pebbles even licked Jasmine today in the basket :D. Always good when you don't have time for an official bonding! You'd just need a bigger basket.. or would all three fit in one? I have bigger girls, so they just fit comfortablyinto one hehe.
I know it's already been said, but I think it's so cute that all your boys are the same color! And I just can't believe how huge Brody has gotten. I just want to pick him up and give him a good cuddle, he looks so snuggly!

I'm starting to think about introducing Rory and Tallulah, do you think putting banana on Tallulah's head their first meeting would be a good idea or not? The one time I sorta introduced them, Rory just sat there and looked at her and then suddenly lunged (I grabbed him before he could get to her, don't know what he had in mind), and he loves banana, so maybe a bit of banana on her noggin would distract him from trying to eat her.
Leanne...I'll have to get a laundry basket. Our basket is a skinny tall one :p. Though, I am not sure I see the bunnies cooperating in the basket. Morgan would most likely jump out, Brody would start to act like a jerk, and Marlin would most likely jump out too. I'll get a basket though, and try it. Maybe Ryan's mom has one that I could borrow. Thank you...it's worth a shot and less mess to clean up later, I am sure :D!

I'd take Tracey's advice about just putting out food for them to eat together, if you really wanted to intro them now. I would reccommend waiting until Tallu is older and able to be spayed because once she hits her puberty, they may unbond...then you'd have to start all over again. So, waiting until she is spayed seems much safer.

You could, though....put their cages right up against each other...using one NIC panel for their "wall". I have my guys like this, and they groom through the bars...I think it has helped them "get to know each other" ;).

Okay, tonight I have to clean the ratties, then I'll find a laundry basket and try that :biggrin2:.
I hate to say this but I'm not sure who is who.. of your bunnies. I LOVE the lop eared one, well ALL of them really, but that one is so sweet!
Thank you for moving this for me, Alicia :).

After tonight's chat (right now!)...I will be doing another bonding session...with pictures :D!
I really hope you can bond these three. I can't believe how Marlin has grown up....wow.....he was still so young when he was here......and Morgan - such a sweet spirit (as long as Tiny isn't around). :biggrin2:

Leaf....Marlin is the Lionhead, Morgan is the Harlequin mix, and Brody is the Holland Lop :).

Peg....Thank you! I really hope they will bond, as well :D.

I just got done with another bonding session, and I think Tiny has visited us and told Brody how to push Morgan's buttons :p. Brody humped Marlin once and humped Morgan a few times. Morgan got a little ticked and him and Brody circled a few times.

It seems Brodoh is going to try to be "boss bunny", though....Morgan plays the "daddy bunny" role, and Marlin plays the "I'm an air-headed Lionhead and I don't know what is going on" role.


We'll have to just keep trying more sessions, this was only their second one because last night a friend that I haven't seen very much in a while asked if I wanted to go with her to see Juno, so I snuck out instead of bonding.

Good news, though....after bonding Ryan and I did our first "bunny burrito" to Brody and clipped his nails. I am ashamed that this was his first nail clipping, we have been to afraid to hold him down and do it because he gets so stressed out. So, we finally clipped his nails and then he flopped out and breathed really hard, so I put cold water on his ears and he is happily munching away on a few apple slices now :).

Ya'll are waiting for pictures now, eh ;)? Here they are:

















I would have had more, but my camera battery died :p!

I can't believe how big Brody is now....WOW. I'm not surprised at the thought that Tiny visited him to tell him how to push Morgan's buttons - probably revenge for Morgan being in HIS room.... :biggrin2: I'm sort of dying to see who turns out to be the most dominant one of the three - sometimes I think Marlin - sometimes I think Brody...not sure if I think it would be Morgan....he's so much of a mama's boy (then again - so is Marlin).

I am pretty sure it's going to be Morgan or Brody battling to be the dominant one. Marlin is way too layed back and is very "ditsy" around the other two :p.

I have a very good feeling that Morgan will "over-power" Marlin and Brody. He acts like the "big daddy" bunny.

We'll have to see how it ends up. I can't wait until they are all living together. I really don't have any doubts there, but I am afraid to try them in the bedroom (their area) anytime soon because Brody likes to pee on the carpet. I am just going to try working on them once Ryan and I get our place in May/June to live fully together.

I think once we find the right place and it has carpeting....we are going to buy big particle-board sheets and cover them with linoleum, and leave a 1 foot tall "side" around the whole thing to keep it cleaner. Since we will be renting, I can't have the bunnies tearing up carpet or peeing on it, so that seems to be the best way of doing it. Chloroplast here is pretty expensive....about $27 for an 8x4. Anyway, the bunnies will get a bit more than half of a bedroom, and the ratties will get the other part of the room :).

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