3 neutered male bunnies....no fights, just love.

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
PHEW! I finally tonight built up the nerve to put Marlin, Morgan, and Brody in the bathroom together. I have been procastinating this for a month!

I am amazed at the results. I expected tons of humping, chasing, pee spraying, biting, ect.....BUT...all I got was pure bunny love.

I let them have both the bathroom and the hallway to run around in. They hung out with each other for about an hour.

Morgan groomed Brody and Marlin tons of times. Brody really loved the attention from Morgan, where as Marlin just sort-of did his own thing.

During the next session I am going to smush banana on their heads, in hope Brody and Marlin will start grooming Morgan and each other.

Of course, what is a session with out pictures :p?....

















p.s....If you are wondering why Marlin looks so funny....it's because he shedded his skirt off because apparently he doesn't want to be "girly" anymore. I wonder if it will grow back? Do Lionheads go through a huge/final molt at 9 months?
Wow, Amy! I'm so happy for you, those pics are awesome!:D Looks like this might not be too hard *knock on wood*:p.

I wish you the best of luck and sending good vibes for all to bond, yay!:bunnydance:
aww they are all so cute together! They look so adorable bc they are all the exact same colors but three different breeds!

As for the shedding, Tumnus gets a different coat depending on the time of year. I do remember hearing that lionheads can blow their whole coat around a year old and come up with an entirely different one. I have a friend who saved a bunny from a breeder who was going to put him in the pot bc he had no mane or anything. He blew his coat around a year old and now he's gorgeous! Tumnus's depends on the time of year. When he gets his winter coat its full blown with lots of mane and a skirt. He thins out in the summer.

Anyway, congrats on the bonding. Keep us posted!
Thank you, Haley :biggrin2:! I am hoping that in May/June when Ryan and I get our own place, it will be really easy to bond them...since they will have their own room that no one has claimed yet. We shall wait and see. I am in no rush at all to bond them....I have very little time/energy for it during the week, so I have to resort to bonding sessions one day a weekend for now.

I really don't mind at all if Marlin has the "Lionhead look" at all. I was a bit concerned because he shedded so much hair two weekends ago, it was snowing brown wooly puff balls all over my neighborhood as I was brushing him out outside.

We are working right now on switching over to Oxbow BBT from an alfalfa based pellet, I wonder if that could be adding to his shedding?


Sadie went into a bad shead and she lost her skirt i was sooo sad but it grew back in =) I'm soooo happy your bonding is going well. I don't know about Gator yet. I had him and Coco next to each other tonight on the kitchen floor petting them both he stuck his head under her side then got up i thought he was going to bite her. He's nutty. I had like nooo problems bonding Snoopy and Sadie it was pretty much love and grooming from the start.
Those pictures gave me a good laugh! I'm really happy they get along but the poos and the chinning are hilarious!

*I like you but this is mine, and so is this, oh and I'll just throw a poo here also!*

BTW - I can't believe 3 males...... I can't even let tony in the same room with Bo! he goes bonkers if he sees him! Clover and Bo haven't gotten along lately either but maybe I'll try the banana thing with them.
I bet it helps that my guy's cages are all connected together...and Morgan is in the middle. They can see each other all the time. Morgan goes back and forth...grooming Marlin through the cage bars, then Brody.

Also, every one's poop is every where, going into each other's cages because we use NIC pens. Somehow, I see Brody's poop in Marlin's cage sometimes...about 4 feet away, lol!

I did lie about the pee thing. I forgot that as soon as I set Brody down on the bathroom floor, he backed himself right up into the vanity and peed a HUGE puddle. I think some got under the vanity...I hope that doesn't cause an issue...whoops!

I was sooooo ready to scrub down the bathroom tonight with vinegar. I had my cleaning supply bucket ready to go. Thank god the dude's were good.....I was too tired to scrub down. Honestly, I pictured pee being sprayed up to the ceiling.

Don't you love those mysterious flying poos that end up in the most random of places?

I think they hop and flick them across the room! LOL!

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Don't you love those mysterious flying poos that end up in the most random of places?

I think they hop and flick them across the room! LOL!

I think I am more concerned about the mysterious candy wrappers that have some how planted themselves between the bed and the wall :huh.

Ryan says he didn't do it :rollseyes. It must be my "other boy friend" :laughsmiley:.
That's great!

You could also try swapping them in their cages during the week and the contents, which also keeps the bonding stuff going when you can't.

Word of caution, if you smear banana and they groom it off it might confuse the hierachy if the 'wrong' bunny grooms the 'wrong' bunny which might lead to fights later, so just be aware of that :)

Looks like it's going great. Good for all of you.
Wow Amy they look great together.

I love that they are so similar in colour.

Great pictures as always.

Wow! Those pics are great. I hope the bonding keeps going well. I'm sure you were relieved. They really look soooo good together! Good work!
Thank you for the comments every one :)!

Tracey, thank you for letting me know that! I guess I'll do some more bonding sessions with all three before I try any "banana on the head" type stuff. Marlin and Brody probably just don't know how to groom another bun, yet, lol.

I'll have to go out and buy bigger litter boxes for Brody and Marlin before I do any cage swapping. They have little dish pans and Morgan can't fit into them, hehe.

To be honest, you probably don't need to worry about putting anything on their head. I've got two trios and never did that, it meant that they bonded at their own pace and when it was done, it was 'true' as opposed to being forced with banana.

When Dopey1 was overgrooming Dopey2 I smeared the overgroomed Dopey2 with other yummy stuff to entice Dopey1 away from the overgroomed area and she didn't want to know, so I just ended up with a sticky Dopey2 who still had a bald patch, lol. So whilst theoretically it should work, it doesn't always.

Eating together can be a good way to bond, so I used to just put a whole banana in, and found they would chow down together and then go to sleep together.

To be honest though, I don't think you need to do too much to entice them, or distract them or falsify a bond because they are doing marvelously, I would just let it take its course and I'm sure they will get there :)

(oh and it's not hard to tell what sort of markings/colours you like on your buns :p)
That is A LOT of help for me, Tracey :D! I did put down a little plate of oats, but of course, Brody is a slob and was the only one chowing down.

Next bonding session would it be wise to put out some veggies, oats, and some fruit?

Uhh....could you tell brown is my favorite color :blushan:?
My normal diet for buns consists of pellets and hay, and veges and fruit as treats. When I bonded I witheld all veges and fruit for a few days so they just had pellets and hays.

Then, when I put them together for sessions I would give treats then, so they realised that it was a good thing, and they hadn't had any for a while so were hankering for it. It also meant they associated bonding with good things. When I stepped up the bonding I would use different hays that they weren't used to, so saw it as a treat, but obviously it was healthier. So, what I'm trying to say, if put thhings in there you know they like, and don't give it to them for a while beforehand so they like it even more (but make sure you provide enough for three or you might have food squabbles).

Any questions you have feel free to PM me if you want. I'm not always about, so might not see questions or whatever if you put them here. I will always get PMs and respond asap. :)

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