Hi Peg,
I was wondering if you still had Oreo (didn't have a chance to read all of the posts the other day...still don't actually, I'm sneaking in a post whilst at work). I'd love to see a pic of him to see how he's grown.
I know that with dogs, some can be so trusting around other pets while others just cannot, no matter how much training and repetition they have. My sister's dog would chase my rabbits down if they were out in the backyard and she spotted them, yet my dog Kaya (who has ahigher prey drive than Lassie) can be trusted completely with the rabbitsoutdoors (indoors is another story...if she were in a confined area and Yofi were to try to climb on her while she was lying down, she'd snap at him and - possibly - bite). And with Kaya...or just about any dog I've ever met...if she is with Lassie and Lassie were to react to one of the rabbits, or an outdoor cat, then Kaya would join in, no holds barred. Prey drive can be a trickything with dogs; even just 'rough play' can be tricky with them at times.
I didn't realize that Ske-doosh originally came from Zin (I remember her...what a great character she was in the forum; I always loved reading her posts!). He certainly is a gorgeous boy, and I love the way he looks so laid-back, not a care in the world. :inlove:How wonderful that you and Art took him in when he needed you.
Dukey is hilarious - he's such a pain in the rear. Other than Brady Hawkes - he is the messiest bunny (buck that is) that I know.
LOL...he and Anna would probably get along great. SHE is the messiest bunny of the north! Here I had been blaming Yofi all along for the huge mess that the crate would be in just hours after I'd cleaned it, but I've recently discovered that it's Anna, not Yofi, who is the culprit. (To give The Boy credit though, he WAS a Messy Marvin in the beginning...just couldn't leave anything upright, or leave litter in a litterbox for more than 2 minutes.) You know, they should have a show called "How Clean is Your Hutch?" Anna and Duke would be the first two qualifiers to be guest stars. :biggrin:
Shoot, have to run... btw, Yofi is again having problems. This time (*sigh*) it's his eyes. At first I thought it was because of the lampshade he's been sporting on his head, not being able to clean himself properly (and it probably is part of the reason) but now he has lost some fur around the eyes and the skin is very pink, inflamed. (One eye had looked a bitweepy when I took him to the vet's for his cone installation...but at the time it was barely noticeable.) I'd been washing the area, but probably not well enough, and the fur beneath his eyes was matted and washing wasn't gettting it out...so I think after work I'm going to pick up some boric acid and try a mild wash with that to see if it helps. I used to use it many years ago on young bunnies when they had minor eye irritations and it did help. And his ears wound up getting inflamed because of obsessive licking, but that is getting better after some salve applications. High maintenance boy, I tell ya!
Oh, my sister has gone for the results of her biopsy - actually she was supposed to call me a while ago to let me know how it went, but she hasn't - my gut feeling is that they did find a tumor, but am still crossing everything in the hope of a false alarm.
Hugst to you and Art, Peg, and all your furry ones...now I really DO have to run or I'll be in trubble!