2011 Texan Tales & Tails

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Well, I believe that Nyx was beginning to think nobody liked her posts!
You doing great as the herd Matron Nyx, we are proud of you! Mom and Dad. Little brother Handsome says its cool you being in charge of the herd!
I am now OFFICIALLY on Thunder's "I HATE YOU" list.

She got caged in a mama cage so she could have her litter. She's got lots of a hay, her nestbox, a litter box and a royally ticked-off attitude.

Another doe has me nervous too - I may need to buy rearrange things to give her a cage and nestbox also. I'm keeping an eye on her.
Against her wishes....Thunder has been checked into Labor & Delivery. She's very upset and told me she'd already decided on a place to have her babies. I explained to her that no matter how much hay she put in the bathtub - the humans would still find the babies and that was not the best choice for a nest. I offered to help her find other locations but it looks like mom stepped in....here is Thunder as of a few minutes ago...



Now stop that snickering - its not fun for a mostly free-roam girl to have to be checked into a location like this. At least she got a corner location....but still yet.

As for me - for some reason lately I'm tired a lot...and grumpy and irritable. If I didn't know better I'd think I was....nah...never mind...Dukey did a real good job getting himself all sterile.

Other than that things are sorta on hold here.

The girls are upset cause mom has decided to not go to the state show....but she is breeding some and she is talking about going to the ARBA National show this fall. She says she isn't going to make the same mistake she did before when she bred like 30 litters for lionhead Nationals (ok...maybe not that much). She says just a few litters and all pet quality flemish will leave here early (weaning age).

Some of the girls are happy - they will get to breed. Others are so-so.

Me? I'm too tired to care.

In fact...think I'll go lay down for a bit.

Oh - and a hi to mom and dad and brother Handsome. I'll send pictures to y'all of my grandbabies later on....
I have so much to share...for instance - mom thinks another doe might be pregnant and has caged her too....

...and the girls are still talking about having a "shower"

It seems like Nyx invited Harmony and Harmony wanted to bring a gift but the only thing she had access to (since she's caged) is whatever she can make.

So she made Thunder a necklace...of poops. Yes - they were all connected (mom had to move them a bit so you could see them cause they were all in one big pile).


I tried telling Thunder that it is the thought that counts.
Thunder is NOT happy about being caged and waiting to have her babies. In fact- she keeps insisting that she is NOT pregnant.....

I'll let you see for yourself.


Let me out of here...


See - I'm NOT pregnant...just fat...


I WILL find a way out.


Please let me out?

[/align][align=center]I HATE YOU!
My Dear Nyx,

I have been so proud to read about your herd matron duties! You are a natural born leader and I am sure you are doing an outstanding job! Certainly the other rabbits will get on your nerves sometimes, or refuse to listen, but that goes with leadership. Keep setting high standards, make your expectations clear, and lead by example.

I looked at the pictures of your daughter Thunder...she is so beautiful...and glowing that pregnancy glow! Can I do you a favor, and ask you to help your Texas mama? Thunder seems to be in a bit of denial about being pregnant. I think maybe she is just a little scared, with this being her first litter and all. But, it's pretty clear that she is going to be a Mamabun very soon! Could you maybe have a little talk with her, and encourage her? Help her not to be so scared, and remind her that YOU will be there to help her with her kits after they are born! And of course you will organize all of the other rabbits, especially the females, to help her with babysitting duties and so forth.

I wonder, do you think she might need some ideas on how to build a really good nest for her babies? Maybe you could give her some really good advice on how to select the best bits of hay, and how to line the nest with her soft tummy fur.

I think you might want to teach her some breathing exercises to use during labor. It always helps to have a focal point, too. Remind her to keep thinking about her beautiful babies so that she can get through the hardest part of labor.

After her kits are born, Thunder might needs some tips on how to feed her babies, and she will need you to check on her and the babies often, so you can dispense valuable parenting advice.

You are going to be such an excellent Grandmama. After all, you already have a lot of experience in organizing and keeping the herd running smoothly!

Give Thunder a big kiss on the nose for me...and tell her I can't wait to see pictures of her beautiful babies. I predict: She will have 13, big, healthy, adorable kits.


Your Indiana Mama ~ Wabbitmom12
TinysMom wrote:
Thunder is NOT happy about being caged and waiting to have her babies.  In fact- she keeps insisting that she is NOT pregnant.....

I'll let you see for yourself.


Let me out of here...


See - I'm NOT pregnant...just fat...


I WILL find a way out.


Please let me out?

[/align][align=center]I HATE YOU!

OH MY GOODNESS!! That is one PREGGO DOE! She looks so big! :shock2:
Seven babies so far and she's still giving birth (and not using her nestbox).

Almost looks like she's trying to make TWO nests.
Mom took some pictures so I can show off my new grandbabies...

I must admit - while their ears do seem a bit large....they are still cute. After all - they're Thunder's!!!

She did a great job - but she may still have more babies inside and be making a second nest - we can't tell for sure. So for right now - since she had them on the floor of her cage (in a little nest there) - they're in a corner litter box to keep them together and keep her from stepping on them by mistake.

So here they are...




Congratulations to all of you :biggrin:

Thos pictures of Thunder sure had me laughing!
Ok... Thunder... I want...
I received this in email today - I thought it was worth sharing....I can especially see Dave and Art probably going back and forth with stuff like this...

[line]English 101 long but true...read to the end...

THIS IS GREAT!!! took a lot of work to put together!!!

You think English is easy???
1) The bandage was wound around the wound.

2) The farm was used to produce produce.

3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.

4) We must polish the Polish furniture.

5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.

6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.

7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to
present the present.

8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.

9) When shot at, the dove, dove, into the bushes.

10) I did not object to the object.

11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.

12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.

13) They were too close to the door to close it.

14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.

15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a) sewer line.

16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.

17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.

18) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.

19) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.

20) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant,nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.

We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't
groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth, beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?

If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats
vegetables what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell?

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.

English was invented by people not computers and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why when the stars are out they are visible but when the lights are out they are invisible.

PS. - Why doesn't 'Buick' rhyme with 'quick' ?

You lovers of the English language might enjoy this.

There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that is 'UP'.

It's easy to understand UP , meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake UP ? At a meeting, why does a topic come UP ? Why do we speak UP and why are the officers UP for election and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report ?

We call UP our friends. And we use it to brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver; we warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen. We lock UP the house and some guys fix UP the old car. At other times the little word has real special meaning. People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses. To be dressed is one thing, but to be dressed UP is special.

And this UP is confusing: A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP. We open UP a store in the morning but we close it UP at night.

We seem to be pretty mixed UP about UP ! To be knowledgeable about the
proper uses of UP, look the word UP in the dictionary. In a desk-sized
dictionary, it takes UP almost 1/4th of the page and can add UP to about thirty definitions. If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used. It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you don't give UP ,you may wind UP with a hundred or more. When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding UP . When the sun comes out we say it is clearing UP.

When it rains, it wets the earth and often messes things UP.

When it doesn't rain for awhile, things dry UP.

One could go on and on, but I'll wrap it UP, for now my time is UP,
so........it is time to shut UP!


She still hasn't fed the babies yet we're going to try something this afternoon to help her feed them.

Right now I'm feeling pretty frustrated about several things - the babies are just one of them.

I feel like knocking my head against the wall - like my efforts in some areas are just useless....and I really can't describe my frustration.

I feel sometimes like I spend time trying to give good help and going over and above what others might expect...only to have others take bad / dangerous advice instead and it just hurts me.

Oh well - I need to move on. I probably shouldn't even say anything here.

But if I take a break from the forum for a bit...just know that I'm still alive (and I'm sure I'll share baby pictures)....but just taking a short break.
I wanted to do a short update before I head to bed - and then will hopefully get some pictures tomorrow.

First of all - BABIES. Thunder wound up only having the 7 babies. She doesn't seem to get the whole idea of nursing them....today we flipped her and put a baby on her but it couldn't find milk anywhere. So....we fed them formula (a bit) and then left them alone. She still hadn't fed them by 10 pm - so we went ahead and fed them again - this time nice big servings so they had good size tummies. I will try to flip her again tomorrow and use the babies to stimulate her milk to come in.

One of the babies is hilarious - the ears are just...well...I'll have to take a photo and show you. (I sent a photo to some folks w/ my cell phone but it wasn't the best). I think some babies may have longer ears and some babies may have narrower bodies (like an e-lop) but not necessarily together. I'll probably know more in the next few days.

Tomorrow morning (later this morning really) - Art is taking his motorcycle on a trip up to Eric's....just to get out of the house for a bit and go on a long trip. He's pretty excited - he'll be home Sunday afternoon/evening.

Oh - and Art almost had a chance to go to Morocco but it turned out to be the same time as a big project he'll be working on here at Laughlin. So...he's not going. (I'm sorta disappointed for his sake as he would have liked to have gone). Also - his overtime won't work out - instead of working 12 hour shifts - they're bringing the other guy down from San Antonio for a longer period of time and they'll only do 8 hour shifts unless they don't get enough done by a week a two before the deadline...then maybe they'll do overtime.

Sigh! The overtime would have been so nice. Oh well - at least he's getting a nice raise in October!

Speaking of October - I'm thinking VERY seriously of going to ARBA Nationals in Indianapolis this year. I haven't fully decided yet - I need to work the budget to see how much it will be. But...I would so love to go...and Art's pay raise from the month of October would probably pay for a large portion of the trip - if not all of it.

And finally....speaking of shows....I'm going to Seguin next weekend and bringing home Popcorn from a gal on this forum who was rehoming her....plus I'm seriously thinking of taking some rabbits to get them PET homes. Both Rudy and Mr Bubbles are really nice bucks...and could be show rabbits I think ....but I don't need TWO sons out of Harmony...so I may rehome one. I am also thinking of rehoming SchiBro - Thunder's brother. He's just such a sweetheart and if I could find him a good pet home where he'd get more playtime, etc - he'd love it. Finally - I may rehome (and this is killing me) - Adam - my half flemmie who has become so socialized that he nipped me on the elbow to get treats.

The thought of letting him go is killing me....but what if he could get a good pet home....know what I mean?

I haven't made final decisions yet....but I hope to do so by Sunday and then advertise them on hoobly as being available in Seguin next weekend.

I guess that is all for now.
Please excuse my wordy post....but since a picture is worth a thousand words...here goes...


Harmony's daughter Melody - trying to convince me that she is NOT pregnant - she just gained weight (I'm now convinced).


Adam - how am I ever gonna let him go? This one will break my heart....I may have to keep him...I don't know.


Harmony - one of my favorites...


I can't get over how big she is now...


I swear - even her ears have grown lately!

She has such a pretty face...


I wonder if she still remembers her time in CT. - I bet she does[/align][align=center]

Best friends don't care if your ears lop or not!


Brady Hawkes & Princess Athena


[/align][align=center]Brady: It's like this Athena...I saw this picture of a beautiful girl named Jenny and I need to figure out how to woo her so she'll come to Texas.....any ideas since you're a girl?[/align]