♥-Nibbles' News-♥

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Hehe - it's great

Nibbles is such a good boy he stays in the cage while i clean it out - when i am cleaning out the main bit he stays in the other bit and vice versa !!!!!

(if thts the right word too use (vice versa))

But obvisouly when i am using cleanin things (spray that can be harmfull) i take him out so he doesn't breath it in!


At one point you can see how big he is when i pick him up - but he hates being picked up and it makes me look really mean in the picture!

I put a cover over nibbles becuase I didn't realise tht last night all the rain blew into his cage OMG i know - it has never EVER done that before it was all sodden. Bless his heart i feel a bit guilty becuase it could of happened at like midnight and he had to put up with it all night.
I think I shall go over some of the funny and crazy times in Nibbles' life while he is staring admiringly at me through the window!
It all started when I was about 5 or 6..................
I had wanted a rabbit for ages and was really sad (becuase thats how 6 year olds get) when my parents consisted on saying No all the time.
But on Saturday afternnoon in one of the school holidays (can't remember which one) my mum said we were going out, I had noticed my dad had been buying wood and spent alot of time in the workshop lately. Then I had a thought - I said "Are we going to get a rabbit?"
And my mum smiled and said "YES"
I was overjoyed all my asking and pleading had finally paid off. My dad bought the cage he had been working on out into the garden into a place sheltered from the wind and rain and I knew it was true!
Later on.........................
We were at the place where we were getting him from -- I orignally wanted one of the grey ones but my mum said
"No, they will grow too big!" So we couldn't have one of them which I understood. So we got a brown one instead. little did me or my mum know that the brown coloured one would grow into what I call today
"Sir Nibbles - Chinchilla Gigantica"
On the way home................
On the way back to our house I had Nibbles in a box on my lap and whenever we went round a roundabout I could hear him sliding around in the box and couldn't stop laughing - I was trying to keep the box straight but it was too hard!

One holiday.............
When we were going on holiday to a holiday camp Nibbles had to go to my nans - and when we got out the car he peed on me - Not nice for me but it's all part of the rabbit experience.

Summer Holidays.................
I am sure when you were all little kids you had some sort of tent to play in or a blanket made to be a tent or somthing like that - well I had a really nice colourfull one and it was really funt o play in.
Before the neighbours got a newf ence we had let Nibbles run around the garden in the sunshine and binky however and whenever he wanted but one day when we had the tent out Nibbles got in it and went to the loo in it!
It was very funny!
My nanna had to help us clean it and we weren't allowed to go in it for the rest of the day.

Now I am trying to think of some other memories If i think of anymore I will surely post them on his blog.
A poem - by Nibbles
As I look out from my hutch
I see the birds flying freely
I see the bugs scuttling far away
I see Rebecca coming out to play

As I look out from my hutch
I see through the window
I see my family eating dinner
I see my family watching telly

As I look out of my brown eyes
I see I am loved
I see I am cared for
I see that I matter

When rebecca looks down on me
I see she cares
I see she will love me
For ever and ever

Okay Rebecca here I made that poem up on the spot it isn;t tht good but i love writing and making up things heehee

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