[align=center]Hey guys, it's me again. Sorry for being away again when I had just gotten back but things came up as usual. Lol. Things are better now so I figured I could pull my head out of the sand.

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[align=center]So the last bunny 'Wicket' found a new home with a different co-worker's sister. They are a pet-friendly family and he was set as a free-range bunny.[/align]
[align=center]It didn't work out with him because I really hadn't thought things through properly and my set up was not right. Also, the bathroom was too small and allowed little ventilation which caused me some problems. [/align]
[align=center]So when the co-worker inquired, I decided that the oppurtunity was too good to pass up and let him go, knowing he would be happy.[/align]
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[align=center]Soooo let's move to the present... Yes, there is another bunny. I was deadset on NOT getting another bunny until I had moved and had the proper shelter but y'all know me...[/align]
[align=center]I made the mistake of checking local ads for emergencies and things like that and there she was... The cutest lil face was looking back at me and I simply squealed. My boyfriend knew what that squeal meant. Anywho,I did what I shouldn't have done and contacted the person to see if she was still available and find out what the issue was. I cursed when the woman e-mailed me back right away to say sheindeed was available as I had hoped she wouldn't be that way I would not be tempted into getting a bunny. Turns out she was acquired by a breeder (a breeder whom I personally do not like) for the woman's son. The woman didn't like bunnies herself and her son soon lost interest in her. She wanted her gone ASAP. She didn't really care where she went as long as she went and to be honest, being that she is so cute, she'd have been snatched up quickly and probably have been in a similar situation once again.[/align]
[align=center]So why allow myself this bunny after so many failed attempts? Well there are certain factors which come into play that will help me this time The first being that I can house her in the entrance which is like part of the house yet does not allowthe allergens to circulate the same way as if she were directly in the house.I can easily ventilate by opening the door. Obviously winter is coming so I will keep an eye on the temperatures but I am sure she would be fine with some proper material to hide in. I also found the um carefresh litter to be really helpful though I would like to try cat litter if possible. So far, I am not wheezing but I have to be careful about kissing her too much as I break out into hives if i do. I don't seem to get it anywhere other than my face so I guess I am more sensitive. I'm on different meds now so that has been helping as well. [/align]
[align=center]Of course this could all be a looooot of wishful thinking on my part but I would really love to find a way tohave a bunny in my family. I have my two cats and now two gerbils but I never feel right without a bunny. It just seems like something is missing you know?[/align]
[align=center]If however, worse came to worse, my sister would be willing to take her until I move and can take her with me. Hopefully though, things won't come to that. In any case, this bunny needed a home and she needed someone who would care about where she'd end up :nerves1[/align]
[align=center]About her... She is6 months old and a purebred magpie lionhead. Of alllll the bunnies I have had, she must be the most fearful one. She is very skittish and is afraid to explore. She does rather love the cats however and I spy a lil divatude in her. She sits on my lap and watches TV with me while observing the cats. She has a tendency to thump a lot and she is quite vocal. She makes me laugh quite a bit. I did catch her doing a tiny head flick the other day

She has figured out that me getting her out of the cage means playtime and not dropping her or handling her badly. I know the breeder still holds his bunnies by the skin between their shoulders so theyusually do not have their legs supported and I guess the boy probably didn't handle her much or properly as well. So slowly slowly she and I are bonding... I am going at it carefully for both our sakes in order to make this possible so I am keeping my fingers crossed.[/align]
[align=center]I haven't named her yet since I haven't found that perfect name that clicks and I also haven't really seen her personality fully yet soI am waiting to learn more about her. In the meantime though, I shall leave you guys with a picture...[/align]
[align=center]Btw... that is the cage she came with. It's tiny. I really don't like the breeder :grumpy:The woman admitted that she knew nothing about bunnies when she got her and wishes she had had more information before getting the bunny. *Sigh*[/align]
[align=center]She is adorable though isn't she? :inlove:[/align]