
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Felica Dickerson

    Signs of Heat Stroke?

    My rabbits are kept in a temperature controlled environment. However, we had a very bad storm roll through this morning while I was at work, and it caused the power to be out most of the day at my house. The temperature outside was approx. 85 degrees and extremely humid. I have 1 Holland Lop kit...
  2. harleswirl

    Rabbit nodule? Falling off? Help

    Hello!!! I'm Harley and I just made an account solely to ask about my 4 month old bunny Clover. She's healthy and was vaccinated a little while ago. Just an hour ago a perfect spot of fur on her nose just fell off! She shows no pain, is destroying my books and running rampant as usual! There's...
  3. Theodore Leonardo

    Flaky, dandruff like lumps on bunny's back

    So as we all know it's malting season right now, and Theo is quite the malter... but as I was grooming him the other day I felt a lump on his skin and on further inspection found a crusty patch amongst the fur. I assumed it must just be a patch of tangled fur and thought nothing of it, but I...
  4. B

    Heatstroke? Nerve damage?

    Hello everyone, I am from Belgium and new to this forum but I am very worried about my rabbit Marie-Jeanne. So 5 days ago, the weather in Belgium was very hot (for this time of the year). It was 28 degrees celcius, about 82°F. So it was hot inside of the house so I decided to put her in her...
  5. fiddlesticks

    Rabbit legs shaking when walking

    I’m really concerned about my dwarf lop, over the past couple of days I’ve noticed that his back legs have been shaking when he walks, this is unusual for him and it’s a considerable amount of shaking and trembling. After letting him outside in his run today, something he usually hops and jumps...