
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. D


    Hello, my name is Sarah! I am a rabbit owner like the most of you. I had 4 rabbits now reduced to 2 rabbits. They died of a disease that has spread to all my rabbits. I used to not have a proper rabbit vet so now I drive to different cities to get them proper care. Saidly I can no longer afford...
  2. myroommateisarabbit

    Help me guess my rabbit's age/breed!

    Recently got a new bunny to accompany my older rabbit Kit (don't worry, he is a total sweetheart). The breeder I got him/her from was clearly not a very good one, unfortunately. He tried to tell me that Bean is 7 weeks, and I'm having a VERY hard time believing him. Now maybe I'm just crazy...
  3. Annita

    Bunny Nipping causing bumps

    Hi my bunny Teddy keeps on nipping on my arm and I see these red bumps on my arm. They seem kind of like it’s an insect bite if that makes sense (small raised bumps where he bite and redness around it) . I’ve had these bumps since yesterday and they’re still red, I want to know if anybody has...
  4. Selena RD

    Help 12 week bunny diarrhea

    My male new bunny i got 3 weeks ago started not eating and drinking and not pooping then a few hours later of giving baby food and water big hard poops came out then he only wanted to eat carrots kale and alfalfa but not a lot and then only pee 3 times and not as happy as he is and either move...
  5. Ariana

    My bunny is bored!!!!!

    Help! Bunny barely does anything. My bun squishy doesn’t like toys, he doesn’t really chew on cardboard or anything other than hay. I’ve went through tons of things but all he does is sit around. He’s perfectly healthy . I’ve tried hiding treats but he gets bored with it after the first find...
  6. Pearl the bunny

    Is Loofah Safe?

    Hi, it’s me @pearlthe.bunny (Instagram). I just wanted to ask if it safe to buy loofahs with treats on them? I have a follower who creates treats for bunnies on loofahs and just wanted to know if it’s safe before I purchase it! Thank you :)
  7. B

    i dont know what kind of rabbit she is!

    My family and i adopted the White female rabbit, i am not sure what breed she is. All i know is last night we discovered she was given to us pregnant. we where not prepared whatsoever so she gave birth in her cage. Can we move the babies? please help me figure out what kind of rabbit she is!!!
  8. K

    How to bond?

    So, I'm a new bunny owner. I bought all the necessities for her and now, I want to try bonding with her. I know I have to patience and take things slow. She puts her head down each time I lift my hand up. I feel like she's allowing me to pet her, well I hope so. Do bunnies like to be petted...
  9. D


    Hi I am a fairly new bunny owner I have two bunnies Mac and Cheese they are 11 months old. The other day Mac jumped up on the bed and laid down and I noticed some redness on both her hind legs. I looked onling but I cant tell if it is sore hocks? I have attached a picture below
  10. S

    Baby bunny trouble

    my bunny is about 8 weeks old and I’ve had him for only 4 days and he has been a social bunny hopping everywhere and having a good time and I always keep a close eye on him but today he has barely moved and I have to pick him up and put the water to him for him to drink and he will nibble on hay...