My young bunny has managed to get hold of my gel bead eye mask that I wear to bed. He's chewed it and although he's only chewed a tiny hole I'm scared he might of swallowed some of the beads. If he has do you think I should be extremely worried?
Hello, I have a rabbit that’s been lethargic but still eating hay when fresh hay is placed in the hay box and coming to us when we have a treat.
She would only eat a bit though before going back to her spot to lay. Two days ago, I had introduced cucumbers (after reading that it’s safe). We’ve...
Just a few days ago, I bought myself a 2 & a half month old netherland dwarf (female). She was held for a few hours the first day while taking her home and setting up her cage.. as well as by her original owners quite often.
Ever since we placed her in her cage, she has refused to let us pet or...
Last September I rescued two young male rabbits, Binky a rex rabbit, and George a orange lion head (I’ve attached a picture of them cuddling together!) Upon adopting them I was told they had been bought for a young girl who had watched her old rabbit die, but she found having the two...
Hi, I am new to this forum. I made a account on this forum specifically because I am stuck trying to figure out how to let my rabbit roam outside her cage.
She has been in her cage a lot in her life. And before you say rabbits shouldn't be in cages, I know. Mom bought me Daisy (my rabbit) at a...
My rabbit is litter trained and at first he never pooped outside the box but he soon started to poop little around his box but mostly in it. Does anyone know why or how to stop it?