
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. B

    Adoption or Breeder? Whats your bunnies story?

    Hi! I just got my first bunny Doris on Saturday and I LOOOOOVE her so much! she has brought so much into my home! So back in September one of my dogs passed away and that left me and my other dog in a bad place. I have had them both for 11+ years so my boy was grieving his partner. I found a...
  2. NovaBunny11

    Bunny playhouse question

    Hi All! Longtime reader, first time poster. I recently built our bunny Sassy a wooden playhouse in her crib and she absolutely loves it. She's been daytime-sleeping now in the upper room which is mostly walled in (and relatively dark). And from time to time she seems to enjoy stretching out...
  3. PeanutsBunny

    Rabbit sneezing

    Hi everyone. I have a holland lop, about 3 months old. She has started sneezing when she's sleeping. She doesn't sneeze when she's awake. It's only one or two.sneezes.while she.sleeps. she doesn't have any discharge or matted paws. I should mention that she has started to sleep under my bed. I...
  4. J

    I can’t figure out my Bunnies breed

    Hi there! Yesterday I got a new bunny! She’s super sweet and her fur is incredibly soft, however I am having quite a bit of trouble figuring out her breed. I have it narrowed down to maybe being a Netherland Dwarf but I’m not quite sure. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. M

    Rabbit bottom biting!

    I got 2 female rabbits in October at 3 months old. They are from the same litter so they have been together since birth. They have always gotten along really well. I got them spayed 2 days ago and have noticed they are both bitting each other’s butts. I have seen them bite each other‘s butts a...
  6. Jessica08033

    baby bunny poop

    Hello, I just recently got a two month old female bunny. I’ve never had such a young bunny before. Her poop is mushy and it is in big clumps. I believe it’s tiny little balls all mushed together but it also really smells. It’s very different from my older bunny. Is this normal?
  7. Jessica08033

    Two girl bunnies getting along?

    Hello! I am new here. I have two girl bunnies named Molly and Daisy. Molly is four months old and she is fixed. Daisy is two months old and she is not fixed. Molly is a dwarf lop and Daisy is a mini lop. I just introduced the two girls about a week ago. I was so nervous because I heard that it...
  8. Gaby Gomez

    What breed is my bunny?

    Hey, guys! This is my first post on this forum and I am so excited to join the bunny community! About a month ago my mother encountered someone who was wanting to re home their bunny. My mom, being the animal lover she is, said yes! Her name is Thelma and she is amazing! I am working with her...
  9. B

    My friend adopted a 5 week old rabbit help?

    My friend was waiting to get a rabbit from a neighbour who breeds rabbits, expecting to get one who was 8 weeks old, however, the breeder messed up and gave her a five-week-old rabbit. The breeder told her to keep it since she's already started to bond with it, the Rabbit seemed to have been...
  10. Roe

    Travelling with my bunny

    Hi, I'm going to be travelling with my bun for about 4-5 hours by train and by bus as I am moving house, just wondering if anyone has any tips and advice on how to make this as stress free and calming for him as possible? Hes done short 10 minute car journeys to the vets and has never had a...
  11. Pennylane

    Bunny Pooping less Eating fine

    So Bunny is about a year and 6 months. Since i adopted her, shes had GI 3 times. Each time pooping way less and refusing food, not moving much. 2 times i was able to help her myself, last time i had to take her to the vet. Which was last month. She has a really healthy appetite right . If...
  12. Joanna

    Rabbit got Silica gel by accident

    My rabbits nibbled on a Silica gel bag that came with a timothy hay grass mat. My family and I freaked out for all of 5 minutes before I headed online and did some research. Apparently Silica gel is not harmful to us. It's made of sand! I never knew that. So my Question here is... Has Anyone...
  13. lola the lionhead

    how to catch my bunny?

    lola is a house bunny and in summer we let her in her outdoor run during the day. sometimes we let her have free roam of the garden (we block off the gates and check fences so she is safe) but when we try to get her back, we end up chasing her as she refuses to come back to us. we eventually do...
  14. lola the lionhead

    Rabbit not cleaning herself?

    ive had my bunny lola for around 6 months, she’s two years old now. when i first got her she kept clean all the time and peed/pooped in a corner of her cage. lately she’s not been cleaning her bum. she cleans her face and body when she is out of her cage (we let her out around 6 hours a day)...
  15. M

    Baby cottontail, eyes not open yet.

    hello everyone. I am new to this forum and new to bunnies. My family and I went Apple picking the other day. We saw a small crowd surrounding something on the ground. It was a baby bunny and it was yelling like it was hurt. I think I heard one of the little kids say that he didn’t mean to step...
  16. ILikeBigBuns

    Out of the blue aggression

    Hello! My bun is about 5-6 months old. He is neutered (for about a month now). I brought him home after he was fixed. He’s been a happy playful boy. Very adventurous and VERY social. Today I went to clean up his cage a bit and he bit me. I then went and sat down and he jumped into my lap and...
  17. L

    Peeing on the mattress :(

    Luigi is a neutered male lop (neutered for exactly one month now) and I know the hormones won't be completely gone until after 6-8 weeks post-neuter, but I'm at my wit's end. He is perfectly litter trained and knows exactly where to go (his cage) when he needs to use the toilet. These are...
  18. Jigzitta


    So first of all I got this handsome little boy off from Craigslist not too long after my Rosemary passed away, because I needed a new bunny to cuddle, and he was offered to me when I made a post about needing a new bunny for therapy. I know it can be dangerous getting pets from there, but he...
  19. Jigzitta

    What breed of rabbit is Junior?

    Could someone please help me and let me know? I just got him. He has really shiny black fur, almost like velvet.
  20. Jigzitta

    R.I.P. Rosemary, my baby girl..

    Well it took me a while to make this post. It's been nearly two weeks since she's passed now as I make this post. I mean after she passed I isolated myself and would barely even talk about her to anyone else except my fiance and a few select people online. I really cried badly, had a fit, and...