
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Mrs641

    Introducing a new rabbit

    I’ve had my rabbit Penny since Nov, and just today brought home my new bunny named Benjamin. I waited a while to put them together, everything was going good until he started to mount her. He was neutered 5 weeks ago (Penny has also been spayed), could this still be hormonal, or is this a...
  2. C

    Marathon bonding boys

    Hello, I am working on a bonding process that does not seem to have much in the way of advice online or through my research. I hope folks could share their insight with me. I have a 5 year old neutered rabbit named Wendell and I decided to try to get him a companion. I contacted a local rescue...
  3. BB03

    How do I bond my two female rabbits

    I have two females rabbits and they’re both spayed. I’ve been really wanting to bond them but I’m having a difficult time. I know bonding female rabbits are harder since they are territorial. Autumn my New Zealand rabbit is very calm and seems not to care about May my Dutch rabbit. I got Autumn...
  4. Mrs641

    Advice for my newly adopted holland lop (male)

    I have a 2 year old female, spayed, Holland lop. She’s been with us for almost 6month and we just love her! I just took in today an intact male, Holland lop. I expected there to be some hormonal behavior on his part, but whoa! He’s humping anything and everything he can find! We introduced them...
  5. ZipercooDe

    I need bonding advice

    Hello! I need a little bonding advice. I have a 3 years old female rabbit named Floppy. She had a baby and spent a few months with him, and then we gave him away and had her neutered. She’s been a free roam bunny ever since. Two months ago we got a new rabbit, Blueberry, a 10 months male, not...
  6. J

    Owner of two/First post/Identify breed

    I adopted a Holland lop Male named Bugs, and about three weeks later adopted this beauty. I renamed her Violet. I believe she has lionhead in her but is a mix of something else as well. She is about 8 months old and getting more and more comfortable with my Male every day. Still in her cage...
  7. cosmoluna

    My bonded pair re-establish dominance every month?

    Hello again everyone! In the middle of January, I was able to successfully bond my fixed male and female rabbits (: They absolutely adore each other, and groom and cuddle each other constantly, but it seems that every month or so, my female bun will mount my male bunny to re establish her...
  8. T

    Introducing 8wk old male to 1yr old female

    Hello all, I wanted to find a male companion for my female lionlop as I feared she was lonely. I looked for months and talked to multiple breeders and ended up adopting an 8week old holland lop male. Winslow (female) is spayed and very sweet. I read that I should wait until he is neutered to...
  9. J

    Bunny thumping at new one!

    ello! I have two bunnies (honey) is a female determined by vets. We recently got her a bunny friend who we also thought was female but we are now having second thoughts. (Bonbon) ever since we got bonbon we have kept them in two cages apart from eachother but in view of eachother. Honey has...
  10. pennyandgianni

    Prebonded rabbit fight

    Hi everyone, To give you a little background I have two pet bunnies; one is a male named Gianni and the other is a female named Penny. I rescued Gianni a year ago and he is a free roam (he is 2), and I rescued Penny two months ago (she is about 8 months). Both rabbits have been fixed, Penny...
  11. S

    Bonded bunnies still unsure who is boss

    We have two dwarf house bunnies that are approaching a year old called Meeko and Misha. They are brother and sister and have both been neutered/spayed. We’ve had them now for 2.5 months and they are both litter trained. We think that he seems to very much think he’s the boss, however throughout...
  12. Haleigh

    My rabbit hates my cat. What do I do?

    Hi everybody! This is my first post on here and I really need some advice. I have a 2 year old neutered male Lionhead rabbit named Edgar. He has free roam of the house, only going into his cage to use his litter box and eat and drink. He’s extremely sweet to me, and always has been. He doesn’t...
  13. Kristian

    Thinking about a third

    Hey all, I currently have an almost 3 year old half lop (male) and 18 month old Nethie (female). Both desexed. They’ve been bonded for about 4 months now. We are thinking about a third. What do we need to consider? We adopt our bunnies from a rabbit rescue who also do the bonding for us. Is...
  14. AmandaCat

    Should I neuter a well-behaved bunny?

    My mini lop Louie is almost two years old. I had planned to get him neutered when he began to show aggressive behavior at puberty, but he never did. He never charges or bites, and I’ve never seen him spray. He’s curious and calm, really just a great bun. I want to eventually get a second bunny...
  15. Nicole Lindsay

    Bonding young rabbits? All advice/experiences welcome!

    Hi all, I have a 10 week old Frenchie whos due to be neutered mid-March (this is as early as any vets in my area are willing to neuter). It was always my plan to find him a friend to bond with in the future however, the chance to adopt a young doe from a rescue has arisen; which I've taken. I...
  16. cosmoluna

    When can I officially call my bunnies bonded?

    Hi Everyone!! I’m so excited to finally say after 4 long months of separation and bonding dates, my two buns have FINALLY figured it out and have been living together in a pen for the past 4 days. I have not had to separate them, there has been no fighting, nipping, or aggression. On Friday...
  17. N

    My bun lost her mate, should I re-bond her?

    So I have a tough decision to make soon.... We lost our 8 year old male bun this week during surgery. We were unable to bring the body home to help with grieving. Our 8 year old girl bun is doing ok right now - she doesn't want to be alone unless she is in a part of the house that still smells...
  18. JenniferWilcher20

    Bonding my female with a male

    Hello all, I adopted a boy NZW rabbit on December 15th. I let my female lionhead Nala pick him at a speed dating session we set up with our local shelter. I’ve been bonding them since and it’s coming along pretty well. My female is very accepting of him and does the majority of grooming. My...
  19. P

    Rabbit Charging Feet

    My boyfriend and I have a two year old male lop that we've had since he was 8 weeks old (Finn). He was neutered at 6 months. He's always been a very easy going bunny. Has never bitten, and very rarely thumps or grunts. He gets the run of the house while we are home. During work and at night, he...
  20. Leaf823

    Bonding - Grooming Too Much??

    I am in the process of bonding my two rabbits. An older female and a younger male. The male is fixed and the female is not. The bonding has been going well so far however, when the younger male grooms my older female he seems to be pulling too hard. I noticed this after I saw the female had a...