bonding help

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  1. Breemarie77

    Bunny bonding behavior change

    Hello! I recently adopted a 3yo fixed female and I have a 1yo unfixed male. He’s getting fixed but it’s not until January. I have their cages in the same room, and I’m actually thinking about separating them now as he has started spraying and not eating as much because he can’t stop thinking...
  2. Breemarie77

    Unaltered male living near altered female

    Hello! Recently I took on a recuse 3yo female fixed dwarf. I already have a 1yo male dwarf who is not fixed. I’m getting him fixed because of the new addition but none of the vets I’m comfortable with are able to see him until January. I have their cages downstairs in the living area where I...
  3. emmaskye


    Hello everyone! I was planning on getting another bunny, however it’s still a maybe. I currently have a male Holland lop who is neutered, if I was planning on getting a female, who I know will have to stay in a separate x-pen until they are bonded, would I have to spay her before eventually...
  4. EclipseTheLionhead

    Bonding With Your Bunny For The First Time: Tips and Tricks

    Hi there! So my little bunny got home for the first time Saturday. I've been leaving her alone in her cage, just making sure she has fresh food, water and hay everyday just until her 48 hour adjustment period is up. She has really came out of her shell already and is running around, living life...
  5. A


    Hi guys!! So at the moment I am trying to bond my three mini-lops; a male 1y 1m and two girls 7m. All are neutered. They are all outside rabbits. Our male we got first, we got him desexed at 6m and then bought a huge shed and run as we intended to adopt a girl bunny that was at our local rspca...
  6. Y

    Need advice

    Hi my name is Yessi i’m a mommy to Grumdrop(1yr) and Ophelia(2 1/2mo) I’ve had ophelia for about 3 weeks & gumdrop didn’t seem to mind or acknowledge her around, until today when I noticed her grooming Ophelia thru the cage which she did 3 separate times. I did a speedy date the day before but...
  7. A

    help with advice! RABBIT TRIO BONDING

    Hey guys! so my two female mini lops got spayed yesterday, which means we can start the bonding process properly in a few weeks. I need some advice with one particular area. My boy bunny lives in a huge hutch and run, which is where we are planing on having them all live once bonded. We have a...