I know, it really worries me so much. I go out of my way to make sure their is not even one gap in Rockys house so mosquitoes cant get in, because all it takes is one bite. As a owner of any pet, i don't think we should have to constantly worry that our pet could die or be infected at anytime. If they're so concerned about pet rabbits with the vaccine escaping to the wild, their just being ignorant. First of all, someone who has gone out to actually get their rabbit vaccinated ($30+) obviously cares for their pet and will happily give money to protect them even if its expensive as most vaccines are, so why would they let their pet into the wild or be careless and have un-proper housing that would enabled their rabbit to escape. Also, even if a rabbit did escape they would'nt last long at all, either a dog would get them or they would just die anyway as they are not wild and don't have those skills. AND the virus is temporary so its not going to make them immune forever.
It just makes me so sad seeing sooo many loved pet rabbits die every week due to this. Just last week 5 rabbits from my town died just from it. It shouldn't have to happen. Wild rabbits have better self immunity to myxomatosis then pet ones do, so pet rabbits dont even have a chance.
I think this is also getting ignored because people think, oh its just rabbits, they're not like dogs or cats, so in saying so they don't deserve it, as say if it were dogs in this situation, as rabbits are not as 'friendly, or smart'. This shouldn't matter!
We really need to do something. Its gone on for way to long now. Not even wild animals deserve to die in such a cruel and excruciating way.
How about instead of spending so much money on sports, we think about saving lives and finding other ways to solve both the problems of wild rabbits and pet rabbits.