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  1. wooly_queen

    please help!! what colour is my bunny??

    Looks like a netherland dwarf/satin/thrianta. XD Doesn't look at all like a polish to me... EDIT: and if it is any polish at all, then it's mixed with something like a red satin or thrianta because there is no way to get a red polish.
  2. wooly_queen

    who is the charlie?

    rabbitlover06 wrote: I like the first one. It has two solid ears, a butterfly and eye circles... so I guess it's more complete than the others. But body type (when they are older) should play a part too.
  3. wooly_queen


    There are three 4-H shows that I may be going to in January and February. Then, the MSRBA convention is the first weekend in March. :)Dat be my favorite. I have a show schedule on my website. Its under the 'rabbitry' tab in the navigation. :)
  4. wooly_queen

    Frozen Water Bottles

    I live in northern, Michigan...I never use water bottles... they drive me crazy. They freeze in the winter and sometimes they crack open. I use metal bowls... I can hit them against the metal stand that the cages are on and break up the ice. Thawing the water bottles to me just took way to...
  5. wooly_queen

    Biscuit's 1st Litter

    SNM wrote I have had 2 winter litters in my 8 years of rabbit raising. lol The first was two winters ago and the 2nd was last winter. I try not to do it very often as it is a hassle with my lack of space to get them in the garage and out of the wind and snow outside. But besides moving them...
  6. wooly_queen

    Can someone tell me what breed my bunnys are?

    Wilma looks like a lionhead mix and Thumper looks like a holland lop mix perhaps... the white ones I'm not sure about... i love the white older white one though... cute. :D
  7. wooly_queen

    Lilly passed :(

    I'm sorry to hear about this. :( Epilepsy in rabbits is probably not something that a lot of people think about...didn't know that it was more common in the lionheads, thanks for sharing the link Tiffany.
  8. wooly_queen

    My show winnings at Msu, Mi yesterday!

    I'll post my results too.... My favorite win was getting BOSG both shows with Breezy's Kira (self sr. doe) and she ended up winning BOS the 2nd show! Some legs for her today! I also got to write for the Polish during the 2nd show. Todd Naragon had a judge in training. He did very well and I...
  9. wooly_queen

    What are the chances?

    The doe needs to lift her butt up for the buck...She doesn't have to be willing, I help my bucks out sometimes by holding her and lifting up her rear for him, but when he gets her he'll fall over and grunt or make some other type of sqeaking noise... it's a bit obvious when he does. lol So if...
  10. wooly_queen


    I'll be there for sure! :D I'm excited, but I am doubting that the rabbits will show well. :( Everyone seems to be having an issue with the feed... ROAR.
  11. wooly_queen

    Update Pictures of lionhead litters!!

    Such cute names. :D lol
  12. wooly_queen

    What breed is this rabbit

    Nancy McClelland wrote: Definatly...not a hotot. XD and just because he has rings around his eyes doesn't mean anything excpet that he is a broken. Pretty sure all brokens have eye circles...and his circles look nothing like the eyeliner on hotots or dwarf hotots. Anyway, I think maybe...
  13. wooly_queen

    HELP!!!! I am so confused....Has anyone ever seen this before?

    Woah.... that is... odd. XD I hope somebody gets on and can help ya!
  14. wooly_queen

    Need Some Quotes for Rabbit Book!

    Here's some advice for anyone who breeds or shows lol: Save your money and educate yourself! Don't just settle on that "cute" little bunny. Learn everything you can about the breed you want. When you're ready to buy your first stock, save up as much money as you can so you can afford the...
  15. wooly_queen


    Their ears really long, but that could certainly change once they mature and fill out.
  16. wooly_queen


    I think only some JW wool can be spun... with some colors, like agouti colors, usually have shorter and less dense wool, while with other colors you'll find a thinker and more dense wool. I guess more "cottony"...? I can't think of another word to use. lol Length wise I'm not sure how long it...
  17. wooly_queen


    mistyjr wrote: How did this all work out in the end. XD
  18. wooly_queen

    Blue based eye?

    They seem to be marbled. I'm not a great genetics whiz, so I can't really tell you why they are like that. lol Something to do with the chinchilla genes perhaps...
  19. wooly_queen


    Crossbreeding of lionheads and woolies = teddy lionheads, not normal ones. Teddy lionheads are wooly all over their bodies like a jersey wooly. And I would agree with the people above. A jersey wooly would be my first pick to cross it to. That, in my opinion, is like a jersey wooly anyway...