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  1. G

    Coat color genetics

    Thanks for the replies! This is so helpful!! BlueGiants--I don't know his background. I bought him from a man who was closing his rabbitry and this was a young buck that had proven himself. He has that long shape tho. I would guesstimate his weight around 8 pounds or so. He has heavy bone...
  2. G

    Coat color genetics

    Finally got some pics of his belly. Hope they came out ok, but I had to do it by myself, and he didn't appreciate it much! A shot of his belly.... The belly fur while blowing into it....
  3. G

    Separating Pregnant Does??

    I tried this once, with sisters raised together since birth. Their due dates were a week apart. The first doe kindled fine...10 babies in a well-made nest lined with fur. The second doe was lazy....she failed to build a good nest, never pulled fur, and eventually had her kits in her sister's...
  4. G

    Coat color genetics

    I am just learning about coat color genetics, and I feel soooo confused!! I need some help.. I am hoping to figure out the coat color genotype of my rabbits, but after reading everything I can find, I realize I don't truly know what some of the color definitions are. I'm gonna post some pics of...