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  1. gainoffunction


    harvey is a smaller one. he's about 11-12 pounds. he looks about the size of a small dog. maybe terrier/yorkie size? he's just a lot of fur :) show rabbits have to be at least 13 lbs and have ears of i think 5 inches.
  2. gainoffunction


    thanks! there do appear to be a lot of house rabbit owners in texas. i got pretty schooled once we got involved in them but all the austin owners.
  3. gainoffunction


    thanks!!! they are great.
  4. gainoffunction


    Thanks! he's a great bunny! i've had the nikon for about a year. i got it as an xmas gift.
  5. gainoffunction


    hi! my name is esther and i am the mom of two lovely bonded bunnies named harvey and mecca and a foster mom to a young brother and sister trio (yakko, dot and buttons). harvey is about 2 years old and a flimish giant. he's a big teddy bear. mecca is a 4 year old english mix of some sort...