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  1. D


    Thanks so much for the links :) any informationis very much appreciated, I just want to do the best I can for Maggiein this situation. Thank you all for so much support, I love this forumalready and i'm learning so much!! You are all wonderful, caring peopleand i'm so grateful for that...
  2. D


    Thank you so much! you have made me feel a bitmore at ease, these fires are just terrible! We need rain so badly tohelp control these things. Those pictures are incredible, that musthave been SO scary though, i'm really glad everyone was okay though.I'm hoping the wind will change direction...
  3. D


    she's in a cage. I watched the news and theysaid that some of the smoke may go away this afternoon as the wind isexpected to change directions slightly, I can only hope they are right.I put a sheet against the bottom of the garage door to try and helpkeep out as much smoke as possible. There was...
  4. D


    Aina, I am sorry that you are also dealing withthis, it's so scary that there are so many fires raging out of controlbecause we have no rain. They just keep getting larger and there aremore of them now. The garage and our house only has a faint smell ofsmoke being everything is so closed up so...
  5. D


    I'm just not sure what to do.... the garagedoesn't smell any worse then the house, inside the house has a faintsmell of smoke also. It actually looks like a fog outside today,yesterday there was almost no smoke smell outside and today it'shorrendous. I talked to my aunt who is only about 10...
  6. D


    Hey guys, well FL is being filled with smokefrom the wildfires burning in Georgia and also in various places aroundthe state. We woke up this morning to a smoke filled sky, there is ahaze outside that looks just like a fog. The smell is VERY strongoutdoors and literally takes your breath away. I...
  7. D

    indoors/outdoors, which is better?

    Hello everyone, we just got a 6 week oldnetherland dwarf bunny. The people we got her from were keeping all oftheir rabbits outdoors in hutches under some trees, she was also raisedoutside. We live in FL and temps here are around 85-90 during the nextfew months. My question is...... currently we...
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    A lionhead color question

    I voted Siamese Sable, what a beautiful bunny!The others are beautiful also though, I love the way the lionheadslook, they are just gorgeous!
  9. D

    New Here!

    Hello everyone, my husband and I just got a 6week old baby netherland dwarf. I'm not sure if it's male or female asthe pictures i've seen seem to look similar at this age. He/she isnamed "Maggie" and I pretty much just call her Mag that way if sheturns out to be a he I can change the name to...