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  1. chinmom

    Something's wrong with Rory- Possible EC?

    Georgie has e.c. and we were just at the vet on Thursday because he developed a spot in his other eye. He developed a cloudy spot and went blind in his left eye overnight, back in November. So when I noticed a spot in the other eye, I freaked and rushed him to the vet. Turns out that it is a...
  2. chinmom

    Home needed for female mini-lop- Wheeling, WV!

    She was actually pts. Her malocclusion got very bad very quickly. It just wasn't humane to keep her with me.
  3. chinmom

    Kitten Fail

    OMG, I burst out laughing...poor kitty, but that was hilarious!
  4. chinmom

    The new men in my life...

    You can't overdose a critter on Vitamin C. Whatever they don't need they just eliminate from their system. "Pigtures" really made me giggle! And chinchillas are CHINTASTIC! I have seven of them, and ran a chin rescue for four years. I can teach you all about them if you ever acquire one...
  5. chinmom


    Thank you for including my's quickly coming up on her one year anniversary :sad:
  6. chinmom


    I actually was just going to post a thread about chinning! I have NEVER seen Georgie chin that strange? One of the bunnies I placed chins me everytime he sees me, and chins everything in sight. Georgie doesn't even chin me when I come back from Velvet's place. Do some buns just...
  7. chinmom

    Frederick, MD AC: Many precious bunnies!

    OMG, I desperately want Graham or you think they'd get along with another male? Any idea how much they weigh? Georgie is 13lbs, so I'm a little wary of getting a small rabbit. I have a soft spot for lops...:hearts:bunny17:
  8. chinmom

    New Game

    SOOOSKA wrote: No, they don't actually "talk" to me...I wish, though...that would be SO cute! I love it when they say (or print) "Hey, listen to this"or ask "what do I say when..." and you have to tap on the shortened version of whatever it is they mean. Ooh, the other thing I love is when...
  9. chinmom

    New Game

    Ooooh I have it!!! I LOVE it! When I went on Spring Break to Florida to visit my grandma, I was having horrible separation anxiety from all my animals, so when I went to wal-mart I looked at the DS games and bought it! I have two bunnies...Simba, a greyfuzzy lop, and Sofia, awhite and...
  10. chinmom

    RIP Beloved Tiny aka "The BunFather"

    That was beautiful, Peg...made me bawl like crazy, but beautiful. Oliver Twist was one of my favorite stories growing up, so I've always loved the name Oliver. Georgie's original name was going to be Oliver, called "Ollie" for short. When I went to visit the new bunny, it wouldn't let me sex...
  11. chinmom

    For Foster Homes Everywhere...

    Thank you for posting this...itis beautiful and much needed on a day when I wonder why it is that I continue to do rescue when there is constant heartache in it. -Annie
  12. chinmom

    How warm is too warm?

    With the chinchillas, the room can't be over 75 degrees, and even that is a little too hot for them. So they have their own air conditioner, then there is a separate air condition in my kitchen with a fan going in the hallway to keep the living room cool. All of the critters also have marble...
  13. chinmom

    RIP Mochi

    Peg-I hope you don't mind, but I tried to fix the links so the pictures could be posted here. It won't let me post the entire initial post that you made, but here are the pictures anyway: At first: As an adult: With her babies: I'm so sorry for your loss...I hope it was okay...
  14. chinmom

    Sweet Sweet Mommie!

    That was so sweet, but so sad...I can't even imagine what that the little Mommie Rabbit must have gone through. She was so brave to hold on for her little ones; I can only hope that we can have an ounce of the strength that she showed.
  15. chinmom

    RIP Beloved Tiny aka "The BunFather"

    I sent this to Peg in a PM, and she asked me to share it with everyone that's following this thread. I got her PM several hours ago, but wanted to think about it. It was kind of personal, but I decided to share it here with you guys. Here is the PM: A few days ago, I was looking through...
  16. chinmom

    Rat pushes kitten *video*!

    Those were adorable! Reminds me of Georgie and Stewart...I've never gotten a video of them, though. Georgie (the 13lbbunny) hates Stewart (the 50lb dog), and chases him around, nipping at his heals. Stewart is terrified of Georgie! I think it's HILARIOUS! More videos of ratties chasing...
  17. chinmom

    Can someone make me an avatar?

    I wanted to see if someone could make me one of those blinking, flashy avatars. I want a few pics of Georgie and a few of Sophie with "RIP Sophie" on hers. I'm not exactly savvy in that aspect of computers and pictures, so if anyone can do it for me, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks! Annie
  18. chinmom

    Earwig in Cocoa's cage!

    I woke up around 3AM one night to Georgie thump-thump-thumping his little butt off. I couldn't figure out what the problem was...he had feed, fresh water, and a nice pile of veggies sitting on his top shelf. I turned out the light to see a spider hanging down the middle of Georgie's cage:shock2...
  19. chinmom

    Do rabbits prime?

    I know in chinchillas, they have a priming line; they gradually lose their baby fur and get in adult fur is the easiest way to explain it. Georgie has been in a molt for about three months now; it's a pretty significant molt, too...the worst I've seen in him yet. There seems to be a line in...
  20. chinmom

    New-ish to stop attacks?

    Thumper is scheduled to be spayed in a few weeks. Doc's shoulder has finally healed enough that she has started doing minor surgeries in larger dogs and cats. She had several patients waiting for surgeries, so she's just trying to get caught up now. Once she does, Thumper will be going in for...