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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. T

    My Runty

    I had a friend years ago who had two ferrets.Onenight we went to dinner at his house and as we were entering the diningroom the female came out of nowhere,ran up my husband's pantleg and bithim!!!!!The only thing I can figure out is that she thought we wereinvading her territory. kind of put me...
  2. T

    new member

    Dear bun lovers, I am ovewhelmed! I belong to many different forums from birds to guineapigs and rabbits and I have never had such a warm welcome.I am honored.Tippy and I am so pleased to be a part of your group.Is thsi arelatively new group? I can't wait to get to know all of you.there...
  3. T

    new member

    Hi everybunny! I am new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself.I have a fourteenweek old holland lop doe named Tippy.I have had rabbits before but ithas been many years and so much more is known than when I last hadbuns.I have been an animal lover all my life and have worked with...