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  1. V

    Jonas pees on me!

    Yeah I guess wrongly, I was advised by my vetthat the pellets were only for young growing rabbits and hadtoomuch protein and fat and that he would get obese and haveheart problems from it and that I should stick to only timmothy hay. Ido feed him a mixture of seeds and corn products that is for...
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    Jonas pees on me!

    he is on an only timothy hay diet with a few veggies here and there. Do you think the salt water bottle is bad for him?
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    Jonas pees on me!

    I found out what the problem was! He never likedsalt licks or could never quite figure them out so I found a supplimentto put in his water that had all kinds of nutrients in it and I hadassumed it contained salt. I was reading the bottle and realized therewas no salt in it and my poor bun was...
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    Jonas pees on me!

    Thanks I guess I will take him in, Ijust am worried that it is all behavioral, and vet visits for rabbitsaround here are not cheap. BUt if it really is a problem I don't wanthim to suffer :(
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    Jonas pees on me!

    I haven't offically had him checked out, but asfar as symptoms go he is actually a very active bunny and he has nevershown any signs of discomfort and he drinks plenty of water. He hastons of energy as soon as I kick him off my lap for peeing on me - heruns to his cage. I dont think he has any...
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    Jonas pees on me!

    I feel that he usually does it for a reason,such as we are eating someting he wants and we don't give it to him orsometimes even if he is just sitting on my lap almost asleep (I am notrestaining him in any way) he will just pee on me instead of getting upand going to his litter box. He almost...
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    NEW MEMBERS (Feb. 2006 - Jan. 2007) CLOSED

    I have a dwarf holland lop who is light brownand white and his name is Joans. He is rediculously spoiled as Iimagine most rabbits here are. I am a college student and Jonas goes onwalks with me on campus( well I sit and study and he runs in circlesaorund me on the circumfrence if his leash). We...
  8. V

    Jonas pees on me!

    I have a 1 year old male dwarf holland lop. Hewas fixed as soon as he was able to be fixed. He has been litterboxtrained since i got him but he still pees on people's laps andoccasionally on things that smell like me, like my comforter. Heregularly goes in his litter box except when being held...