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  1. G

    Sneezing and discharge

    Thank you for the reply, I think it was just a piece of hay stuck up there. Once he got the white thing out he’s been fine,no sneezing,no more white stuff and been acting normal. I called the vets and they said they most likely thing something was stuck up there!!
  2. G

    Sneezing and discharge

    Hi so my rabbit had been sneezing for last couple of days quite a lot and I thought maybe it was the new hay I got him or the dust from it but just a minute ago he wouldn’t stop sneezing so I went down to see and there was this white snot thing on the floor should I get him checked out? He’s...
  3. G

    Not pooing?

    He seems fine now using his litter box perfectly, I was thinking that about not getting antibiotics, maybe she wasn’t sure. She did tell me to come back if it continues after the anti inflammatory. Thanks for your help really appreciate it! (The links always help me out so much)
  4. G

    Not pooing?

    So he actually did have a urine infection and he’s finally back to using his potty they gave me anti inflammatory instead of antibiotics because it was only the start off one and he’s all back to normal now doing great!
  5. G

    Not pooing?

    He’s been doing fine today until he pissed blood! I came into my room and see this blood patch definitely fresh it was still soaking wet I did think maybe he was doing this small wees not in his litter box because maybe he had a urine infection? I made a vet appointment for 1:40 which is in an...
  6. G

    Not pooing?

    He’s been eating the same maybe even more than usual, when he does start pooing again they start of small then gradually go back to the usual size. He still does his binkies and zoomies when he gets a treat and always in the mornings when I wake up, he’s just acting a lot calmer. His poops have...
  7. G

    Not pooing?

    He was acting very tired and lazy when he wasn’t pooing but it lasted about 6hrs and he started pooing again at 11pm but now it seems he has stopped again maybe been 4hours now should I get him checked or could this just be because he can’t be asked to poop, he’s still eating and drinking just...
  8. G

    Not pooing?

    So my rabbit hasn’t pooed in about 2hours he’s only weeing but he’s not weeing in his litter box? He’s still eating and drinking and being active is this normal or should I be concerned? Thank you
  9. G

    Is there space for 2 rabbits?

    They are so adorable I know there very greatful for you! I hope gravel finds a friend like her!
  10. G

    Is there space for 2 rabbits?

    What’s crazy is I have never been wanting a rabbit but I always had it in mind that it would be nice to have. So once in a while I would go to the pet shop and just take a look at them all and one day I saw gravel and I fell in love I knew no one was going to buy him, he had been there for ages...
  11. G

    Is there space for 2 rabbits?

    Yes I was going to adopt a rabbit I wasn’t going to buy a new one, I’ve found a lot of shelters with a bunch of bunnies and ones with free bonding service. I will be waiting 8weeks for gravel anyways so hopefully during that time I can sort my room out and find the right companion for him, I’ve...
  12. G

    Is there space for 2 rabbits?

    I just want to know if my room is big enough for 2 rabbits, ill upload some photos of my room! His cage is always open and supply of hay all around the room! If there isn’t I will make some arrangements with maybe moving my tortoise or taking my desk out of my room.
  13. G

    Gravel petrified for no reason?

    So I was just watching the tv and he’s not too keen on the quiet so I knew that wasn’t the problem but I heard a massive stomp so I had a look over and he looked so scared he wasn’t hopping around he was walking like a cat sneaking on it’s pray but would stay in the same place, I then heard...
  14. G

    Chucking litter box everywhere!

    I was thinking about changing his hay as he doesn’t seem very interested in it but he has started eating it more and seeming more interested in the hay than the pellets. I noticed he didn’t drink as much as usually after the surgery but now he’s back to finishing it every day sometimes I have to...
  15. G

    Chucking litter box everywhere!

    I took a look at your links and noticed the weight one and took some photos of gravels body, could I get your opinion on if he looks underweight/normal I know your not a vet but I would really appreciate! And I’m very grateful with all the help and information you’ve given me!
  16. G

    Chucking litter box everywhere!

    I gave him extra pellets and he seems to have gained it all back I can’t feel his spine or ribs anymore I’m so confused one day he was really skinny then next he’s normal again, when I bought him they told me to put only enough pellets that cover the bottom of his bowl and that’s all and I have...
  17. G

    Rabbit poo wet?

    Okay thank you so much I was worried considering he had just been neutered and something was wrong! I’ll keep an eye on it and thank you!
  18. G

    Rabbit poo wet?

    hello everyone I checked my rabbits poo today and it looked totally wrong! It was wet dark brown and like 4 small poops stuck all together, comparing it to his other poos I knew it wasn’t normal. Should I take him to the vet or is it the food I’m giving him. Please help! Thank you! I have upload...
  19. G

    Chucking litter box everywhere!

    I’ve put a rack hay dispenser next to his litter box and he’s stopped doing it now as before I used to pop the hay on the litter box, all good thank you!