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  1. Stormybun

    Chinchilla rabbit

    Is he a giant chinchilla or an American? He was 12lbs when I got him but he’s now a little over 13lbs. I had him as an American chinchilla, but I think he might be a giant. The rescue he’s from just had him as a chinchilla rabbit. I’m second guessing myself and was hoping to get another opinion...
  2. Stormybun

    Weird bond??

    Thank you!! I didn’t realize how deep and complex their bonds can be. I was getting really worried since she wouldn’t even eat without him. I really appreciate the helpful information and the link. 🤍🐰
  3. Stormybun

    Weird bond??

    I know this must sound really weird, but I’ve noticed my bun Stormy has a very weird dependency on her bonded friend Gabe. She won’t do anything Gabe doesn’t do first, and she won’t eat anything Gabe won’t eat. She has to follow him everywhere. If he is in the little box, then she has to go in...
  4. Stormybun

    Hind leg limping

    I’m already going to call the vet as soon as they open, but I’m just hoping to get an idea of what exactly might be the issue. Last night, my rabbit hurt his nail. I’m not sure how, but it was bleeding. Today, I noticed him limping and avoiding pressure on that paw. What can I do for him right...
  5. Stormybun

    Spay advice and bonding

    Hi! I have a 5-6 year old female rabbit. She’s currently intact, but I have considered heavily getting her spayed. She saw the vet 2 weeks ago, and they said she looked and sounded healthy. I spoke with the vet, and they went over all of the spay procedures and clarified they thought she would...
  6. Stormybun

    Sensitive stomach

    My bun seems to have an abnormally sensitive stomach, and I’m just having trouble dealing with it the right way. I always notice cecotropes on the floor at least every other day. There also tend to be some moments where she loses interest in her treats and keeps to herself or sits uncomfortably...
  7. Stormybun

    Litter box training

    I buy the small pets select 40lbs box, so I typically just store it in the box it came in and use a smaller container to store smaller amounts as I need throughout the week. The small bin fits in the closet, but it would also work to keep it in the corner if there’s space. Here the smaller bin...
  8. Stormybun

    Litter box training

    She isn’t spayed! I’ll start changing it all out once a week, then. In the beginning, I saw a litter training video that said to clean it every other day, so that’s just what I’ve been doing! She typically is 100% with peeing in the box. The only times she messes up is if she strays far from...
  9. Stormybun

    Litter box training

    Any tips on litter training? My bunny was pretty good at using her litter box in the beginning, but now she keeps pooping everywhere. She’s pretty good about peeing in the litter box, though. I feel like I’m doing everything I know to redirect her to her litter box. Whenever I notice a pellet...
  10. Stormybun

    Bun not interested in treats?

    She’s okay! She seems to be sitting normally. This was her just a few minutes ago. I always tend to get overly stressed over any slight change. I was really scared she might have been sick or had GI stasis.
  11. Stormybun

    Bun not interested in treats?

    Luckily she seems okay! She ate all her dinner and the stray treats were gone! Assuming Stormy snatched them in the night. She may have been stressed or had a slight tummy ache. She’s always had a rather sensitive tummy. She even posed for a little photo. (She wasn’t impressed.)
  12. Stormybun

    Bun not interested in treats?

    Thank you! She seems okay today and the stray cookies from last night were gone this morning. If it was fireworks I’m hoping she stays okay tonight.
  13. Stormybun

    Bun not interested in treats?

    Here’s a photo of her currently in her littler box. :/
  14. Stormybun

    Bun not interested in treats?

    I just noticed this when I came over by my bun for our usual nighttime routine and noticed she wasn’t interested in any treats. She took a few bites of a digestive cookie and forage. She doesn’t appear hunched, and her stomach doesn’t appear or feel bloated/hard. She’s still hoping around, but...
  15. Stormybun

    Strange pellets? (Poo pellets)

    She typically gets 1/8 cup of pellets and about 1 cup of veggies daily. She eats basic 2nd cut Timothy hay from smallpetselect, and when she does get sugar, it’s 1-2 small pieces of strawberry or banana! She never gets carrots as she isn’t a fan, and they tend to upset her stomach. But she...
  16. Stormybun

    Strange pellets? (Poo pellets)

    This isn’t the first time this has happened, but my bun keeps developing clumps of droppings, and it ends up stuck on her fur. I really don’t know what to do about it or how to fix it. I try to brush her every other day, and she gets a fur trim monthly. She’s a lionhead if it helps. She gets...
  17. Stormybun

    New member!

    Hi! I’m Kenzie, and my buns name is Stormy! She’s a grey and black bun, and I believe she’s a lionhead. She’s in the process of litter, training to become a fully free roam bunny. Here’s a little photo of her from a few yesterday ago 😆
  18. Stormybun

    Can anyone help determine my buns breed?

    Hi there! This is my bun Stormy, but I’m not 100% certain what breed she is, and I’m hoping to get some help. I added some photos from different angles!😵‍💫 She’s a rescue, so I’m still figuring some things out about her. The last photo is from the day I brought her home, she’s long out of that...