I'm having trouble keeping them cool as they hate anything cold (water bottles, ice) and refuse to be near it. Went looking for a second fan last night but the whole city is sold out. Wish I had a bigger freezer for those towels!
Hello and thank you for your support, Momma Luvbun and Treasured Friend. It's comforting to have two allies
One of my buns is from Rabbitats. I have not been in touch with them about this issue because I know they are aware but I will reach out to them see how I can help their efforts.
The cat...
Hi everyone. When I started this post I was hoping for allies in people who love rabbits. I stopped reading responses when there were no expressions of shock, disgust, nor support.
I am happy to report that the cull has been halted. I know Rabbitats has offered to help and were denied but...
It amazes me that stores like PetSmart, Mr Pets, Bosleys, etc.. Sell such naive and harmful treats for buns! Products with sugar, corn, dairy...... And the uneducated consumer buys it!
I think it's animal abuse!
Good job. I recommend House Rabbit Society or Binky Bunny for research.
When it's time to get your buns, please get them from a shelter or rescue. Please don't buy them. Too many abandoned buns looking for homes. We don't need to deliberately produce more.
They're so funny and peculiar with their habits. I'm still having trouble with Prince Charmings litter habits so this thread has been really helpful for me. I'm still having to put camping tarps on the floor and I can currently see three pee puddles from where I am sitting. I'd love to give him...
Hi there. Yes, this is a common practice. Buns don't like arranged marriages either 😁 The first time I did it I checked out some girls ahead of time then made an appointment to speed date. My male Toffee liked Valentina the best so we took her home. This time, Valentina was the one choosing...
Hi from Vancouver, Canada. This is Valentina and Prince Charming. (they had already been named at the shelter). Valentina is a little tripod and PC is her new big fluffy beau with vertigo and horrible litter habits.
I avoid buying anything from China. Their products don't have the same standards as North American and European products. You may have to pay more for non Chinese made but it's worth it.
It's been three weeks now since he joined my household. Valentina always uses her litter box and Prince rarely does. I know the routine for potty training one rabbit but how do i train Prince without penalizing Valentina? Btw he has peed in every spot possible so it'd not as easy as moving the...