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  1. Darojati

    How to care for older & mature rabbit

    @samoth @JBun @TreasuredFriend @EdwardV thank you very much for sharing your experience, guidance and wisdom! This is super helpful!! So we have started to give Pochi meloxicam once a day with hope to ease her toothache due to her roots overgrown (fom x ray, doesn't look good).. sometimes she...
  2. Darojati

    How to care for older & mature rabbit

    Hello... So my dearest Pochi turns 6 today... She's an orange holland lop, sometimes have overgrown teeth and we check to Vet for teeth trimming every quarter.. she has 2 bonded male bunnies with her, 4 & 2 y.o. Pochi has been a lovely bunny that love to run, flop, binky... but now less of...
  3. Darojati


    thanks so much for your reply @JBun Makes sense on the vitamins and depends on any deficiency. Thanks for reminding about sunlight! I remember she used to love going by the big window to get sunlight and now very rare.. so need to do more of that. noted on the meloxicam.. vet suggest 0.6ml...
  4. Darojati


    Hello all... Pochi (female, HL, 5.5years) is a picky eater and has been having teary eyes. We found out last year (2023) that she has molar spurs, that we need to bring her to Vet to trim her teeth every quarter. We try reducing her pellets and no more treats, and give her orchard hay in...
  5. Darojati

    Teary eyes and toothache

    Thanks so much for the advice. We got extra meloxicam now from the vet, and started 2x per day.. she looks good, less teary eye in the morning vs before. here's another thing i want to seek advice... I observe this evening that Pochi is snoring / breathing heavily, as per videos.. I know she...
  6. Darojati

    Teary eyes and toothache

    Hi @JBun I was wondering what remedy there are to help ease toothache and inflammation.. we have got meloxicam from Vet for 0.5ml/ day to help remedy the inflammation inside the mouth (sore cheek, sore tongue) all due to the sharp teeth. And this should be consumed on certain period, can't...
  7. Darojati

    Teary eyes and toothache

    Good point.. I just ordered orchard hay (they have various brands). I'll try to ensure more orchard hay consumption to trim the teeth naturally. Hope it works for this picky eater. Thank you.
  8. Darojati

    Teary eyes and toothache

    Hi @JBun Yes it's the root cause. Pochi is picky eater.. she likes soft timothy hay and alfalfa hay (we give not much to increase her appetite). Does your rabbit eat very much hay each day (eg pile the size of her body, half, etc)? -> i'd say 1/4 of her body What variety of hay is it...
  9. Darojati

    Teary eyes and toothache

    Hello All, in 2023 we discovered that Pochi has been suffering overgrown teeth/molar and molar spurs, which is the root cause of her continuous tears. Since then, we do quarterly vet visit to get her blood check and xray, before her teeth trimming (with anesthesia). Last week we just went to...
  10. Darojati

    Sulking and not eating

    Thanks so much! We syringe fed her water, critical care and also med. massaged her belly too... finally after 7hrs, she wants to eat now! It was apparently stasis yesterday 😞😞 Will monitor if need to go to vet. Thank you!
  11. Darojati

    Sulking and not eating

    Here is the photo of her position... she goes like that in every position... in any place, in the corner, in potty, and while snuggle with the other two bunnies. Can someone help to advise? @JBun
  12. Darojati

    Sulking and not eating

    Hello! Pochi has been sulking for 2nd day now, and we have not seen her eating yet.. she looks chill relaxing, but her posture looks like someone that is holding their poop / constipation. She stays either in her castle, or in her potty box, then lay down looking so chill.. i don't know what to...
  13. Darojati

    Head tilt/ EC/ bacterial

    Hi everyone! So it's been 5 months now we have been giving penicillin subQ injection every alternate days. Bubu's headtilt is MUCH improved.. it was severely tilting to the left, and now it's normal tilting and almost straight whenever he runs around and active! And lately i have seen his...
  14. Darojati

    Eye discharge

    Hello, i found your post and i think my bunny has similar issue. Have you found any solution towards managing the long root? And did you have any tear duct flush? Our vet recommends to do so, but i'm keen to wait and seek for people's learning and tips on this matter.
  15. Darojati

    Help needed - can someone help to read xray result? - teary eye and bubbles on stomach

    Hi Everyone, Seeking your advice pls. We brought Pochi to Clinic today to meet Vet and did xray.. Pochi has been having teary eye in her left eye, for 1.5years now.. we have been giving eyedrop per Vet's prescription depending on situation...and lately it looks like it becomes too white creamy...
  16. Darojati

    Head tilt/ EC/ bacterial

    We just took xray for Bubu's head, and saw the white bulge in the middle ear area!! This is most likely ear infection!! I really wish we took xray since the beginning 😭😭😭😭😭 how did we miss this 😭😭😭😭 We have been doing penicillin subQ injection for two months now. Bubu has been very active...
  17. Darojati

    Help: Re-bonding of 2 buns (1 with headtilt, 1 normal)

    Thank you for the response @Blue eyes @JBun For now Bubu is looking active and healthier vs before. We will try to put them side by side in neutral area. Btw, is there any experience that head-tilting bunny can be free roam? Mostly that I know, the bun will stay in playpen and get free time...
  18. Darojati

    Help: Re-bonding of 2 buns (1 with headtilt, 1 normal)

    Hello! Do you have any advice to re-bonding two bunnies that got separated due to sickness? As context, one of the buns (Bubu) got severe headtilt in Dec'22, so then we separated Bubu (male) and Pochi (female) since then. We have been treating & medicating Bubu, and he gains strength now and...
  19. Darojati

    Head tilt/ EC/ bacterial

    Hello @JBun So we have been giving the progressive penicillin to Bubu and have seen progress. His nystagmus right eye has slowed down, almost non existent now, but with cloudy/ ulcer (less cloudy now). A month of pen G's subQ injection now. Bubu has regained strength on his front feet, able to...
  20. Darojati

    Head tilt/ EC/ bacterial

    Thanks so much for the advice! Yes our plan is to give penicillin for every 3 days. Is this infectious? We have another bunny, Pochi, that is free roam and always come near Bubu's playpen. Do we also need to give the other bunny the penicillin?