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  1. Tinto

    I can't anymore

    Thank you Poopy for encouragement and advice. And sorry for being silent for such a long time. Could you please explain what is the stuff in the plastic box? I find it a great idea!!! What is the best thing to give the rabbit so that he can dig?
  2. Tinto

    I can't anymore

    Thanks everybody. It does mean a lot to me indeed. Maybe I gave you a wrong impression. I have been aware of the fact that rabbits aren’t like dogs. I actually don’t expect from my bunny to sit on my lap. I just need to feel at least some reward... Tinto can do whatever he wants, I do respect...
  3. Tinto

    I can't anymore

    Thank you Imbrium, Hermelin, Blue Eyes, thank you everybody. I don't know what to say. Maybe I will repeat what I've already said, but I tried literally every hack that I found on the Internet. I am trying to make my bun satisfied, distracted, tired before sleep etc. He has a lot of things to...
  4. Tinto

    I can't anymore

    This is just a monologue... It might be the last post here. Well, I've done everything I could. A couple of weeks ago (almost one month) I had my bunny boy neutered. At first he seemed to me a bit more calm than before, but I am not really sure if he's happy with me anyway (except of moment when...
  5. Tinto

    After neutering care

    I just brought him back from the vet. He is still a bit sleepy, but slowly he starts realizing what happened and that he's missing something. He keeps licking the wound. Should I be worried that he breaks and takes out the stitches? How could I possibly make him stop doing it?
  6. Tinto

    After neutering care

    Mine isn’t even neutered yet and behaves like that. He usually wakes me up around 5-5:30 a.m., even on Saturdays. I wonder what will happen after the surgery..... :/
  7. Tinto

    Am i weird?

    Good for ya! My bunny is also 7 months old and I am trying to do anything for him, but taking him for walks and stuff... he wouldn't allow me. So I am a bit envious of you ;)
  8. Tinto

    Blood on the floor

    I got scared again. This morning I found one drop of blood on the floor. I know there are several threads in the past and I checked them out. Still I am not sure what might be going on. Did the bun hurt himself, for example his nail. It's almost impossible to check his feet since he won't stay...
  9. Tinto

    How to arrange the cage?

    A new picture of my bun...
  10. Tinto

    How to arrange the cage?

    I am sorry for responding with a bit of delay but I tried to rearrange the cage. What do you folks think about it? Tinto doesn’t spend much time in there, usually jumps in only for eating and pooping. I hope he likes it better now, although it seems to me the litter box might be a little too...
  11. Tinto


  12. Tinto

    Rabbit's hormones

    Thank you so much. And sorry, I realized that I used the wrong word... ;) I wanted to say "neuter" instead of "spay". I just took an appointment for the next Tuesday... I hope it will work.
  13. Tinto

    Rabbit's hormones

    Hi everybody. I hope you all are enjoying the life with your bunnies. For me there are so many new things to know and to handle. Once I resolve one issue, there is immediately a new one. But I will do my best so far as I can. My today's problem or question is the eternal topic of rabbit's...
  14. Tinto

    Stop chewing bars

    I know it doesn’t help much but I feel relieved that I am not the only one with this issue. Mine usually chews on the bars when he is trying to wake me up (indoor) or when he hears but does not see me in the other part of the room. Usually he stops later.
  15. Tinto

    Urgent: jumping

    Thank you guys for all the support. I am so sick of writing all of this but I need it. First of all, I ordered some extra grids to make the pen higher, especially next to the table. But even though I provisionally put some cardboard there as a roof, the bunny somehow find a way again how to...
  16. Tinto

    How to arrange the cage?

    I can understand that the litter box should be bigger. I tried to replace it with a plastic tray, but still there are things I don't get. Am I supposed then to change the whole content every day, since the hay and the wood pellets get soaked with urine. Or can I leave the hay from the top or...
  17. Tinto

    Urgent: jumping

    Thank you guys for encouragement. I cannot really move the table much from the pen, since I wanted to make it as large as possible. Now almost the whole width of my room is taken by my table and hair (1/2) and the rabbit's space (1/2). For now I removed the boxer from near the fence and I...
  18. Tinto

    Urgent: jumping

    I am sorry to bother everybody with a new issue, but yesterday was really a tough day. After coming home I realized my table which is next to the playpen was disarranged, the keyboard moved and the worst thing some monitor cables chewed on (fortunately still working). It seemed that Tinto had...
  19. Tinto

    How to arrange the cage?

    Yeah, the cage door is open all the time... actually the rabbit has another fence around it so it’s a playpen more wide that it looks... I do appreciate any advice :)