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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. W

    Fun Long Eared Rabbit

    Well much to my regret we found the owners ofthe bunny. They live accross the street but they don't take very goodcare of it. IfI find it in my yard again or any where closeit will be mine. Thanks everyone for all you advise.
  2. W

    Fun Long Eared Rabbit

    Cheetos Mom, My husband really likes the bunny. I'm not sure how old it is, or whatthe sex is yet. We just found it yesterday. Or I should say we justcaught it yesterday. It has been around the house and in the yard forthe last week and a half. We thought it was time to bring it in beforeit got...
  3. W

    Fun Long Eared Rabbit

    My husband and I found a rabbit in our yard. Itis a floppy eared rabit. My question is do they have a special diet?Besides rabit pellets can we give it vegtables? :)