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  1. Roxydabunny!

    Rabbits hair loss

    It is just this one spot on her back but she is shedding more than usual. she also has hair loss on both tips of her ears. she does not scratch a them but they do seem a bit dry and very slightly flakey.
  2. Roxydabunny!

    Rabbits hair loss

    My bunny has been shedding a lot and i asked before and was told it may be molting. i looked online to see pics of rabbits molting and i didnt see anything like what she has. she is a 16 week old holland lop. i just want to be sure its nothing to worry about.
  3. Roxydabunny!

    Hair Loss

    This is how it looks on her back, i cant get a good pic of her ear so this is the best i can do
  4. Roxydabunny!

    Hair Loss

    she doesnt have any flakes and she lives in the house stays in the laundry room at night she is inside with my chihuahua and when he goes out she goes out with him. we have had her a few weeks and this has just started happening. hopefully nothing too serious. i will try and post some pics that...
  5. Roxydabunny!

    Hair Loss

    HELP!! my 15 week holland lop bunny is losing fur! she seems to be shedding a whole bunch, i am a new bunny owner and am not to sure what is normal but it seems like alot. she also has already lost a lot of hair on her left ear on the bottom, she doesnt seem to be scratching or seem itchy, i...
  6. Roxydabunny!

    Super strange bun

    Thank you all for the tips!! i will try the towel thing. she does ok with her poop its just like she wants to pee every where but in the litter box. and yes it was an accident she got to the food, we put it up when she is out usually but my husband isnt so vigilant with this kinda stuff so she...
  7. Roxydabunny!

    Super strange bun

    Hello all im new to the forum and have tonnnss of question, well i got a bunny a few weeks ago, she is 14 weeks now and ive looked up and gotten all the books on rabbit behavior and care, well none of it seems to apply for my little roxy, she doesnt like to chew on stuff i bought sooo many toys...
  8. Roxydabunny!

    New bunny owner

    Hello all!! I just recently bought a 8 week old holland lop and named her roxy!! she is the cutest thing. 14 weeks now. i joined because i had lots of questions and funny stories i wanted to share with other rabbit lovers. I feel like i have the strangest bunny ever, she really doesnt do the...