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  1. S

    found a baby rabbit

    Yes it is a castle! Now you make me want another pet lol. I afraid next time I won't able to walk a way from bunnies:P
  2. S

    found a baby rabbit

    Thanks to everyone who helped me. It is really nice to have a support like this!
  3. S

    found a baby rabbit

    My problem is: I can't stand animals in a cage:P Even our bird is spoiled rotten:rollseyes. I can lock them up only when no one watching.
  4. S

    found a baby rabbit

    The baby was gone this morning. I hope it found his mom. I have outside and alfalfa and oat and timothy. Like a restaurant for rabbits lol (it is actually for horses). I really have a zoo at my house and really don't need another animal unless if I'll have to rescue it like all the rest. I love...
  5. S

    found a baby rabbit

    :confused2: I know. But can't think of someone can eat it while I'm sleeping. And it is sooo soft and vulnerable....and my dog was thinking it is her baby and wouldn't let my cats come even close to the cage.:rollseyes
  6. S

    found a baby rabbit

    :confused2: I know. But can't think of someone can eat it while I'm sleeping. And it is sooo soft and vulnerable....and my dog was thinking it is her baby and wouldn't let my cats come even close to the cage.:rollseyes
  7. S

    found a baby rabbit

    I put it back and put timothy hay around. Will check in the morning. But why its licking my hands?
  8. S

    found a baby rabbit

    Is it OK to put it back. It was 24 hours ago
  9. S

    found a baby rabbit

    I found a baby rabbit. Looks about 21 day old. Ears up. But didn't go anywhere from my flower bed. So I brought it home. It didn't eat anything just was licking my hand. I tryed to put some milk on my hand and it started eat from the bottle. On internet it said they should be fine on their own...