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  1. G


    Thanks. I have no intention of giving her a bath, ever. She has a brush that I will use like once a week. She's really shedding right now which is probably related to the weather and stress from moving to a new home. Actually, I should probably bring the male in too. Its been REALLY hot here. He...
  2. G


    So, I have 2 rabbits. A male who lives outside with our 6 ducks, and a female who lives in my son's room. We also have a yellow lab, cockatiel, lovebird, and 3 box turtles rescued from in the road (somehow we ended up with a male, female, and baby within 2 weeks of each other). The outside...
  3. G

    Abnormal dewlap?

    I got a new female dutch bunny last weekend. She's been very well taken care of (spoiled) with treats, regular baths and brushing, etc. She was given to me by a friend's co-worker who says she's 3-4 years old, not spayed, and has never been outside. She loves to be petted but HATES being held (I...