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  1. jfryckman84

    litter vs. bedding vs. food

    I am so confused by all the product available that I am at a loss as to what to do for my Achilles. I just adpoted him and he has these fluffy paper pellets with lavender in his litterbox, but it also says bedding material, and I have heard some people use hay as litter, food, and bedding. What...
  2. jfryckman84

    need help.

    Well currently he isn't eating more than 1/4 cup of pellets and a small amount of hay. He doesn't like any of the veggies I have given him. But I will back off his hay and start over. His feces seem to be getting much better. Only time will tell
  3. jfryckman84

    need help.

    So should I back off his hay quantity when he evens out his bowels? Or should I push forward and hope for the best? I didn't realize adding hay was so drastic a change. I always used to give my rabbits hay and read to give them all they wanted so I didn't give a second thought. Thank you all...
  4. jfryckman84

    need help.

    it seems they were runny cecals. This morning he seemed balanced again with small but nice cecals. He went potty twice last night and there werea few scattered poops in his cage. The weird thing is I introduced the hay into his diet so I find it strange that the best thing to do would to keep...
  5. jfryckman84

    need help.

    Oh thanks, I am on my cell phone and thought I did post in the infirmary. Lol. Also I forgot to mention he is a pedigree male dwarf hotot
  6. jfryckman84

    need help.

  7. jfryckman84

    need help.

    So I adopted Achilles about a week ago. 2 days ago he had a major case of poopy butt. Today I noticed some redish color on his rear and tonight found a diahrea substance in his litter box. He is 2 years old, and he came with the pellets he was being fed. He was getting no hay as far as I...
  8. jfryckman84

    Is it normal?

    No actually I gave him timothy hay. He came with some unknown brand of food. She said some name that sounded like pedigree but I have no clue what it is. I bought some oxbow and have been spinkling a few pellets over his food. I give him 1/4 cup and he doesn't eat all of it. He is 2 years old...
  9. jfryckman84

    Is it normal?

    Oh my gosh, this post was so educational. I just adopted my bunny a few days ago and added hay to his diet. Today his rear end and genetalia were covered in caecals and feces. I felt so bad cleaning him due to it being stuck. I will assume now its because I richened his diet by adding the hay...