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  1. valaria243

    Help Please! Sick Bunny :(

    Fuzzy is still a spunky old lady! As JBun mentioned she has not fully regained the use of her hind legs but she can pull herself around with her front legs. We put puppy training pads under her because she is not able to get in and out of her litter box and at least the pads keep the majority...
  2. valaria243

    Classroom Pet (Need help now:( )

    I would also post something on Facebook. Maybe even start a page dedicated to the animals of the school? Facebook campaigns are very popular and have been known to get results as well.
  3. valaria243

    Carpet cleaner?

    Here's the deal. I am looking for a carpet cleaning machine that works great at cleaning pet stains (I have 2 rabbits and 4 cats). So I need your opinions on what machines you all have and what you have found to work best on those stubborn pet stains. I would greatly appreciate it!:sweep
  4. valaria243

    Classroom Pet (Need help now:( )

    You could contact PETA, however I think you would be better served by following the suggestion someone else made and contact the media. I work for a school and nothing gets their attention faster than media attention and having a bunch of parents call in and complain. Maybe you could even start...
  5. valaria243

    "Fat" foods for buns

    She does seem to enjoy the seeds. We have been giving her the organic mixed greens as well as alfalfa in an attempt to help with the weight loss. She seems to go in spurts of doing well and then seemingly not so great. We have her on the Panacur again to help with a flare up of the parasite...
  6. valaria243

    "Fat" foods for buns

    Hi, Fuzzy has lost some weight during her battle with the parasite and I'm looking for some foods to help her put some weight back on. Any good ideas?
  7. valaria243

    AK, HI - Rabbit Savvy Vets

    I take mine to Dr. Pam Bluestone- Hillside Pet Clinic East Abbott Road 344-7913 Anchorage, AK She is wonderful and listened when I took her the printouts about the parasite. She prescribed the Panacur to Fuzzy and helped save her life! You can also see...
  8. valaria243

    Possible Stroke.

    This is exactly what happened with Fuzzy. She was fine for a while and then had another episode of hind leg paralysis. I would urge you to ask your regular vet about getting her on Panacur! I went from having a bunny that one of the vets suggested that I put down, to having my old bunny back...
  9. valaria243

    Possible Stroke.

    I have Fuzzy, who is the one JBun is talking about. At first I too went along with the obvious solution by the vet (arthritis). However when I took her back in with the printouts about the parasite, she was super receptive. We gave Fuzzy the Panacur for about 31 days and it really did help. It...
  10. valaria243

    Safe shampoo and toys?

    Hi all, Just wondering what is a safe shampoo to use for buns? I haven't been able to find any rabbit specific brand locally and I really need to give Fuzzy a bath (due to her hind leg issues she ends up urinating on herself during the day while I'm at work). Also with my new dwarf bunny...
  11. valaria243

    Rescued albino bunny

    We took Lil Bunny in to see the vet last week. Just for him to give the once over and see if he could tell the sex. He believes that it is a male (he said don't quote him) and also that he looks like a Netherland Dwarf. So far we have taken to calling him Lil Bunny or Binky (responds to both)...
  12. valaria243

    Bunny scares off burglars!!

    I thought this was funny. I wonder if I can get a homeowner's insurance discount for an alarm system because I now have 2 bunnies. Granted niether are giants but still...
  13. valaria243

    Rescued albino bunny

    I just got this little bunny from my friend's coworker. Her kids saved it from a dog's mouth! It looks pretty young and is definitely albino but I'm not sure breed or even what sex it might be. If the pix doesn't show here's the link to the picture...
  14. valaria243

    Fuzzy update

    I just wanted to give an update on Fuzzy's progress. Recap: Fuzzy is a spayed female, 9 yr old Lop mix that started having weakness in her hind legs in Dec. Xrays showed no fractures/damage but she was dragging hind legs. People suggested that she might have the ec parasite and I printed out...
  15. valaria243

    What is up with Fuzzy?

    I am cautiously hopeful. Fuzzy ate some pellets last night for the first time in a week! She is still weak and shaky (which is to be expected). She grunts and turns her head when we give her the panacur (also expected) but that's a good sign to me. She is still interested in apple slices...
  16. valaria243

    What is up with Fuzzy?

    I am hoping that today is just the setback that you mentioned. She was not looking so great this morning. She did drink some water but was laying on the side she's been avoiding for the last week and a half. She did spend a few hours with me last night on the couch (on her blanket, wrapped in a...
  17. valaria243

    What is up with Fuzzy?

    Thanks to all who replied! Fuzzy is doing better. I have seen a bit of movement in the one back leg that hasn't been moving. Her general attitude is improving and she has been grooming herself again! She also has been fighting taking both of her meds, got mad, and even grunted at my husband...
  18. valaria243

    What is up with Fuzzy?

    I'm not sure if it is flavored or not. The vet had it on hand and while she does treat buns it is mainly a cat/dog practice. I know it is white and chalky looking and she even said we might want to flavor it with something sweet.
  19. valaria243

    What is up with Fuzzy?

    JBun, yes I am continuing with the Metacam. Do you know of anything I could mix the fenbendazole with so it's not quite so disgusting for Fuzzy? She was quite mad after getting her first dose and made quite a few circles in her cage!