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  1. Tammy B


    Hi My name is Tammy..Me and my bun Stewie are new to the forum...I am so sorry for your loss of Franklin he sounded like such a sweet boy.. I am sorry that i never got a chance to get to know him here through RO..Sounds like he was lucky to have you and you him. R.I.P Franklin :bunnyangel:
  2. Tammy B

    Surprise Babies

    Here's the lil sickle/herb knife that was just put on our site today that we finished up...I they're really cool..I have one myself just like it that i used to cut herbs out of my garden great for collecting mushrooms as well :)
  3. Tammy B

    Surprise Babies

    Yeah life has been hard out here ..My BF and I are trying to start a business and the type of business we're in we need to be away from populated areas just so we can keep the peace with our neighbors as we mostly work at night..You're probably sitting there wondering what i do..Well i am a...
  4. Tammy B

    Biting bunny

    I think i'm going to talk to my vet about it and probably should take him in anyway here pretty soon for a check up..I haven't had the chance to take them in to see the vet yet with all that has been going on..I spent the first month they were here just trying to get them back to half decent...
  5. Tammy B

    Surprise Babies

    Yeah walmart is an hour away from me...Urg everything that has anything i need is an hour away...I live in a pretty remote area which is nice and quiet but when ya need something especially in an emergency it can be horriable but i'm getting the idea now of what i should have on hand for a bun...
  6. Tammy B

    My (Long) Introduction!

    Hi Julie..Sounds like you are heading in a good direction :) Lots of animals out there need help from caring people that are willing to stick it out till the end. You sound like you have a houseful already as well but the animals seem happy. I have also rescued animals most of my life...I ran a...
  7. Tammy B

    Bella's addicted...

    Stewie goes nuts over his hay..Every morning it's a meadow grass mix and green beans ..he loves green beans :)
  8. Tammy B

    Surprise Babies

    Thanks very much for the info crystal..i think i've seen them at wal mart too and got it the 9 squares :) So glad that all babies have got homes and that everything turned out great for you...Yes if piper has little ones they would be pretty beautiful i would think..I love rex rabbits their fur...
  9. Tammy B

    Hi from Tasmania, Aus.

    Hi Shooni and Wilber ..Welcome to RO...Lots of knowledgeable people on here if you need help or advice you came to the right forum. love the pics :hearts
  10. Tammy B

    New to rabbit fourm.

    Hi Welcome to RO...Domino looks like a real cutie :)
  11. Tammy B

    Hi from California

    Hi and Welcome to you and Fizgig ...That is such a cute name :)
  12. Tammy B

    New bunny owner

    Welcome to RO...You will find great advice and knowledge here on this site for sure...if it wasn't for RO and especially Vanessa(LoveLops) i don't know how i would have coped with my recent emergency that i had regardless of it's outcome, there are great knowledgeable people on here and tons of...
  13. Tammy B

    Biting bunny

    Yes i believe it will ...He's so damn funny ..He reminds me of a dog...He does everything a dog does except chase his tail and it would surprise me to see that either lol...he has really come out of his shell the past 2 days good to see him sooo happy. He's not spraying or anything as of...
  14. Tammy B

    Biting bunny

    Thanks Vanessa...Wow things have been pretty strange lately....He is getting the down part with me saying no lol....He hops around alot going between me and my boyfriend doing the grunting and gets up on my leg with his front paws starts licking m,e then he bites me the lil bugger i'm going to...
  15. Tammy B

    Any idea what my bun is?

    I;ve seen pics of buns like him before...Not the color but i saw a pic that looked like him that was a mini rex/dwarf cross....Not an expert but just an observation....Extemely cute he is though :)
  16. Tammy B

    Surprise Babies

    Hi ....I love the way you have your cage set up..Are those the shoe rack things that you can get at Walmart? I need to get a cage built for him and don't want to buy one as i find they normally aren't big enough...I want him to have the luxury of a two story...can i build one out of these?
  17. Tammy B

    New rabbit!

    wow i didn't know that buns having certain markings can mean they may be sensitive to things especially meds..That is good info to know :)
  18. Tammy B

    this weekend is it!

    Awwwww he's adorable and i love the color...I like the name Conan for him personally lol ....I have a intact male mini lop mix Stewie and the more i spend more time with him the more i fall for him with every day that goes by..He's being a lil stinker the last couple of days ..he comes running...
  19. Tammy B

    Halton Hills Area - Hello

    I am in Nova Scotia :)
  20. Tammy B

    Goodbye to our Miss Molly

    Hi...So sorry to hear about the passing of Molly ...16 is amazing though it sounded like she had an amazing life :)