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  1. Tammy B

    Do rabbits poop less at night?

    My bun Stewie poops the most in the evening hours..that is also when he's most active so ya it would depend on your buns habits
  2. Tammy B


    :welcome1 to the forum Meghan.Sorry to hear about your lil Bella :( And what a cute pair they made.Oliver looks like a real cutie pie.I have a lil mini lop named Stewie as you can see a lil glimpse of him on the left there.I am so glad that you are adding a new lil addiotion to your bun fam...
  3. Tammy B

    The Name Game!!! Come in and join!!!

    Yay it is alway exciting when i see somebody having babies on here..Even though i lost meadow and her kits it is still interesting to see them be born and grow Crystalkates babies my gosh they are getting so big fast and so very adorable. This is my Stewie :bunnyheartStewie is a rescue...
  4. Tammy B

    Participants needed - Pet rabbit online survey

    Interesting survey :)
  5. Tammy B

    Homemade bunny toys!

    I have willow trees near my property here and i'm going to go out and go for a hike to get some once this storm is over and try making one for Stewie ..he's driving me nuts right now so io want to try and find something for him to distract him a lil.He's always following me and jumping up on my...
  6. Tammy B

    Peeing/Spraying Issues!!

    Stewie will spin around and pee when i approach him i think it's out of excitement on his part to see me but i know what you mean he's gotten me a few times pretty good.What is his demeaner when he does this?
  7. Tammy B

    Biting bunny

    LOL..How's Gandalf doin? Stewie is back to biting me evry five minutes..Urg it is fustrating too..I can't seem to do anything to make him stop..Everything i try he thinks it's a game ..He's got to the point now he will sneak up to me bite me then run...Grrrr lol Might have to consider getting...
  8. Tammy B

    Peeing outside the litterbox....ugh!

    I thought neutering would eliminate the spraying? And yeah i agree with the other 2 ladies alot has changed in their world over the last lil while and there is now new smells.
  9. Tammy B

    bunny passed away

    :rainbow: R.I.P To You Lil Guy
  10. Tammy B

    Fair Day And it was great!

    Congradulations :clapping:
  11. Tammy B

    hello from Montreal Canada!

    Hi and Welcome to the forum..I am Tammy and my bun Stewie is a mini lop and he is rescued as well :)
  12. Tammy B

    Unexpected death during spay

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Daisy.I have recently been through the death of my bunny also and i know the pain you are in.I'm not sure what happened at the clinic where daisy was and what contribited to her death but it is very hard to lose a friend. I am so sorry for your loss :(
  13. Tammy B

    Funny Meme of the day

    Stewie hiding on Gizmo...Good hidey spot ..The cat had no idea where he was lol
  14. Tammy B

    6 months :-)

    Hiding on me and the cat ...He has such a sense of humor
  15. Tammy B

    6 months :-)

    I've had Stewie for 6 weeks now and i couldn't imagine my life without him now :) So i can relate!...Here is playing hide and go seek today lol
  16. Tammy B

    Baby bunnies abandoned please help

    do you have a heat lamp?
  17. Tammy B

    RIP Ollie :,( you were the most special bun I ever met

    :imsorry: I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Ollie...He sounded like an awesome bun...I don't think you being away caused him any worry he sounds like he was doing good up to the point he got sick.Rabbits i have learned in my short time being a bunny mom is that anything can happen to these...
  18. Tammy B

    Chloe's Visit with Dr. Ross

    Glad to hear for your buns that it was all sorted out :)
  19. Tammy B

    Stewie Wishing Everyone Happy Valentines Day :)

    I like that HOPPY valentines day...Clever lol...Stewie got spoiled rotten hehe he was my valentine today so glad that he is here to spend it with me :)....Such a happy lil boy tonite got green beans and spinich for a treat after supper then came to mom for some snuggles...He was almost smiling...
  20. Tammy B

    Stewie Wishing Everyone Happy Valentines Day :)

    Happy Valentines Day EveryBun :heartbeat:Hope EveryBun Gets Extra Treats Today