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  1. mochajoe

    Fleas on Beauty + Odd behavior from Shiny Things

    Two of vets at my vet clinic both have years of experience with bunnies and they recommend Revolution. We have a dog and due to the weather conditions in 2011 we were "blessed" with fleas....even WITH treating our dog monthly! We used Revolution for cats. You can use a dose for a kitten and use...
  2. mochajoe

    Is my bunny tri colored? coloration questions.

    Sheer cuteness!!! I have 4 Holland Lops....and I will never own any other breed again! I am completely biased, prejudice and completely in love with my Hollands! We have one who is also a tri...she is mostly white....but both her gray and creams are shaded lighter or darker in spots....but she...
  3. mochajoe

    Can anybody identify the breed of this girl?

    A pretty her coloring! Do you know how old she is? I am not an expert but that info may help determining her breed. Kind of looks like a cross to me...good luck!
  4. mochajoe

    Bunny Personality

    I will venture a guess that after he recovers from his surgery (my little Reeses just had it done a few weeks ago) that Charlie will settle down even more....if he came from a bad place, I would guess that he may very well have had something happen to him. However, having said that, one of our...
  5. mochajoe

    Bunny Personality

    Over the years, I have had a couple of bunnies that, despite all our efforts, were never cuddly lovey covey by Miss....and or didn't like being picked up. Our mini lop, for one, was very affectionate, but he did not like being picked up or carried around. We found the way he tolerated being...
  6. mochajoe

    Brand new and a million questions!!

    WELCOME to the world of bunnies!
  7. mochajoe

    Looking for Alternative Hays

    I would also recommend horse hay...per pound it is the most cost effective! I am a horse owner as well and I have always fed horse quality hay to my bunnies, since 1992 when I got my first bunny. I have never had any issues. FYI, most feed stores offer hay analysis (for bales of hay) for free or...
  8. mochajoe

    What brand of pellet do you feed your bun?

    As a horse and bunny owner, I am not sure why anyone would want to add molasses "aka" sugar to their pets' diet! I know horses, that if given grain with molasses also known as sweet feed would be bouncing off the walls! I don't want either my horses, nor my bunnies bouncing off the walls because...
  9. mochajoe


    I have horses as well and I use Equine Pine Pellets in my bunnies' litter boxes. I am very satisfied and it is very inexpensive in comparison to many other litter box options. The most I have paid for a 40 pound bag of the Equine Pellets is $6.99! I even use the Equine Pellets in my cat's litter...
  10. mochajoe

    Hay Price

    I have never had a problem with my bunnies eating the horse hay. Being a horse owner as hay HAS to be the best quality or you run the risk of all kinds of problems....some of which are very life threatening. So in my mind, it doesn't get much better than horse quality hay. So...
  11. mochajoe

    Hay Price

    I have horses as well....and I have paid 4.00-6.50 for bales of mixed grasses hay. My vet has a LOT of experience with bunnies and recommends horse quality hay....just make sure it lacks the alfalfa. I have fed bunnies horse quality hay since I got my first bunny in 1992 and I have never had a...
  12. mochajoe

    need litter training suggestions and any other advice

    Everyone has given you wonderful suggestions...I hope and pray they all work! Unfortunately bunnies with longer hair present a greater challenge when it comes to litter box training and their fur in general. From my experience as well, trying to litter box train two in the same cage is a whole...
  13. mochajoe

    Which fruit & veggies are most important for bunnies?

    Oh, I will have to try blueberries! My Reeses seems to be VERY picky AND has a sweet tooth! He does not get his his primary diet is horse quality hay and pellets....with greens and occasional banana, spinach and craizins. Blue berries are going to be tried! :)
  14. mochajoe

    What brand of pellet do you feed your bun?

    What grain to feed your animal is a great debate across the board...I have goat, horses and chickens as well. I have numerous conversations with "experts" about all my feed. Everyone has to do what works for them and for their animals. Having said that however, hay is an essential part of a...
  15. mochajoe

    What type of hay bale?

    Your best bet, connect with some horse people! Horse quality hay (just make sure it doesn't contain alfalfa) is great for bunnies! Mine love it! I'm guessing there are some horse people around in Texas! LOL Good Luck!!!
  16. mochajoe

    feed store rabbit food: not healthy??

    The bottom line is what many who have commented before me have said, you need to do what works for you and your bunny! The most important part of a bunny's diet is and needs to be hay...pellets of ANY kind are secondary! I don't know ANY wild bunnies who eat pellets! From my experience, it is...
  17. mochajoe

    What kind of hay???

    Horse hay all the is the best in my opinion! It is also far more reasonably priced for what you average 40 pound bale/$4-$8....I have never paid more than $6.50/bale!
  18. mochajoe

    was adviced against getting a bunny :(

    I agree with almost everything that everyone else has shared with you...I have been an owner of indoor bunnies for years. I am not saying that bunny urine doesn't have a strong smell... however as long as it is cleaned regularly...I personally would rather have 10 bunny litter boxes in my house...
  19. mochajoe

    What works best for litter?

    My litter of choice for the last three and a half years, since getting back into horses, has been Equine pellets used for horse bedding.I am very happy with it and use it everywhere, horses' stalls and bunnies' and cat litter boxes.
  20. mochajoe

    Feeding veggies

    A wonderful site with a wealth of information about feeding and care is the House Rabbit Society... Good luck!!!