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  1. mochajoe

    Dutch and Holland Lop had babies

    I would whole heartedly agree! I had a dutch X holland lop (I got her from a friend, so I saw the mom and dad) as a young adult and she look just like them only a different color!!! And I second everything previously stated about getting them spayed or neutered! Good luck!
  2. mochajoe

    Irresponsibe bunny owners

    Unfortunately, WAY TOO many people think animals are disposable! And some people just plain don't care! I volunteer for a horse rescue (takes in unwanted, abused, neglected horses) and a horse relief (helping people who are down on their luck, keep their horse when they truly care) and it NEVER...
  3. mochajoe

    My Rabbit Has Changed Colors!

    We have had several colors...Siamese sable, black tort, broken orange, broken black tort and something we never identified, otter like...and they "change" or "changed" ( some are in Heaven) colors when they shed, but when all is/was said and done they were still the same color...maybe a little...
  4. mochajoe

    Can't Figure Out What Type Of Lop My Bunny Is

    Okay, so it didn't load the picture of Funfetti the first here it is....
  5. mochajoe

    Can't Figure Out What Type Of Lop My Bunny Is

    I have, with only one exception (and then she was a lop cross but didn't look it) only ever had lops....Mini, Holland and Fuzzy. Yes, I love lops! This little one looks a little more mini lop to me....however, with one of the recent additions to our family, I have learned that sometimes breeding...
  6. mochajoe

    This poor family

    As many have stated before me, we don't know all the it is very difficult to make a fair call either way...does it sound a little crazy no matter how you look at it or what possible scenarios you create YES....most definitely YES!!!! My very wise mommy, God rest her soul, always said...
  7. mochajoe

    Very Safe Veggies?

    House Rabbit Society has one of the best lists in my opinion. Being able to give a variety of greens a day would be great but I think for a lot of people, especially those with one or two bunnies that is hard to do as they can't eat it fast enough before it goes bad. If your bunny is getting...
  8. mochajoe

    Very sad and difficult announcement :(

    My heart goes out to you and all you have been dealing with...I have dealt with life threatening illness...but not one that forced me to part with all my animals. I cannot even imagine having to part with them! Be well...God Bless and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!
  9. mochajoe

    Neutered bunny litter?

    We used shredded paper in the cage and our regular horse pellets in the litter box. My vet who is very bunny savvy said that was it was fine to use in the litter box while Reeses was recovering from his surgery a couple months ago. I would be careful using towels if your bunny is a chewer. Good...
  10. mochajoe

    Brown Hay in Oxbow Bag

    Having horses as well as bunnies, there are numerous variables that affect hay. When feeding hay, the most important factors are smell, dryness and color...does it smell okay? You don't want it to smell moldy or musty. Is it dry? Those are the factors to worry the most about...color is important...
  11. mochajoe

    Is this normal.....

    I would also add, your bunny is still a baby! What do babies do? They sleep a lot! And again, as long as your bunny is drinking, eating and pooping, I would not worry either. I have also found with my bunnies, and my rats too, seem to acclimate to our schedule and routine. For the most part...
  12. mochajoe


    Thank you! Sounds about like our house...only ours is all wood with a stone foundation and minimal insulation in places!!! We have never been able to have bunnies loose in the house this I just want them to be safe! I figured it was mostly outdoor bunnies....just wanted support from...
  13. mochajoe


    With the frigid temperatures that have taken over New England ( I am in NH)...I have question about drafts. Our house was built in the 1870's and we heat with wood! Because of our old house and these frigid temps...our house is draftier than normal. The bunnies are fine and safe when they are in...
  14. mochajoe

    Question about cold tolerance of outdoor bun

    I am so sorry for your loss! I am your neighbor to the north in NH....where it has been even colder. I don't currently have outdoor bunnies....however I have in the past. As long as there is no draft in the house....and he seems to prefer his burrow....I am sure he is fine. Bunnies actually...
  15. mochajoe

    What to do with a bunny that won't touch hay?

    Given that your bunny does not seem to like hay at the moment, I would NOT buy ANY at the Pet store hay is VERY you will be out a lot of money and left with a lot of hay your bunny won't eat! I would try to connect with some horse people and see if they would give you...
  16. mochajoe

    Scared to get bun desexed

    I have been very fortunate with having my bunnies neutered....just had my 6 month old neutered a few weeks ago. It is scary and nerve racking....however, on the flip earlier stated.....cancer risks are so high, especially in unspayed females. I have NOT been so fortunate when it...
  17. mochajoe

    Rabbit Books

    I second the previous recommendations! I also really enjoy the articles and information in Rabbits and Rabbits USA magazines!
  18. mochajoe

    How to measure leafy veggies

    I have read several articles about what green leafy veggies to feed and how often (like those containing oxalic acid, limited only a few times a week) OakRidgeRabbits do you have any suggested reading as to the nutritional contents???
  19. mochajoe

    Buying Hay from Feed and Seed store.

    I would recommend connecting with horse people or a farmer who supplies hay to horse people. I am a horse owner and a couple of times, in a pinch, I have purchased hay from my feed store...I was just not happy with was dusty and the quality was just not as good as my hay farmer's hay!
  20. mochajoe

    Hay - 1st or 2nd cutting?

    I feed mixed hay and first and second cut (however my bunnies much prefer second cut) as I also have horses. My vet is very bunny savvy...and she knows I feed horse quality mixed grass hay and has never advised me against it. You can tell by looking at the hay if it contains