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  1. mochajoe

    Freshly bonded pair peeing in all corners of NIC Condo

    I have never put hay in my litter boxes...and I have had great success with litter training! A few of mine, like the 7 month old male I have now have been meticulous about using the litter box and never making a mess in the house! Numerous people on RO have suggested hay in the litter box as...
  2. mochajoe

    Frustrated with females spraying!!!

    Sorry, I meant to post this nutrition and behavior....
  3. mochajoe

    Can't Litter Train My 2 Neutered & Spayed Bunnies

    I would try adding a second litter box...I had a similar problem with a pair...with just one litter box in their cage. I did some reading and one suggestion was giving them each their own litter box. It makes sense as the reason they are so easy to litter train is because they go in the same...
  4. mochajoe

    Frustrated with females spraying!!!

    I don't really have a question as much as I am just really frustrated! We now YET another female bunny that is a horrific sprayer!!! It is SO frustrating that we have had several male bunnies all but my daughter's show bunny was neutered...and NONE of them have EVER sprayed!!! That includes the...
  5. mochajoe

    Is this the right kind of hay?

    If your rabbit is under the age of 7months or so than alfalfa hay is okay....otherwise the hay you feed needs to not have alfalfa in it....alfalfa is easily spotted as it is very leafy unlike other hays which are not. Unfortunately, you are in the midwest....hay in your area tends to contain...
  6. mochajoe


    Some some dogs and cats, no matter how hard you try, all the time and all the patience isn't going to make them okay with nail clipping...any more than all the love, time and patience going to make every bunny want to be picked up or cuddle. Bunnies are just made that way. I would...
  7. mochajoe

    Help! My rabbit seems content while petting her, then she bites for no reason at all

    She is older, so it may not have as much affect, but not only for health reasons, but possible behavioral/hormonal issues as well, I would get her spayed. We had a female rabbit that my daughter showed, so she was not spayed and she was awful....she was a nipper or a biter, she was an attack...
  8. mochajoe

    E-mailed Oxbow

    Alfalfa hay is very distinctive in its appearance as it is very leafy! Here is a photo that illustrates how leafy it is.....and as a few people have mentioned, the drought last summer across most of the midwest impacted a lot of hay production. New England where I live was not impacted by...
  9. mochajoe

    E-mailed Oxbow

    Have you tried posting on Craigslist or at your local feed stores? I find it mind boggling that farmers in your area can't tell you what is in their hay :( secondly, alfalfa is very leafy and easy to spot! My heart breaks for you...$26/9 pound bag is insane...that would make a bale of hay (40...
  10. mochajoe

    Can't Litter Train My 2 Neutered & Spayed Bunnies

    Do they each have their own litter box?
  11. mochajoe

    E-mailed Oxbow

    I feed my bunnies horse hay as I have horses as well. On a couple of occasions (when I didn't have a horse or access to baled hay) I purchased hay from a pet store...Oxbow... Kaytee...not sure of which one...I was mortified, first the price and second the Tuesdaypoor quality of the hay...color...
  12. mochajoe

    Can Rabbits Not Eat Veggies?

    Bunnies primary diet needs to be hay! After that, everything else is kind of like "extra"! Pellets provide some additional nutrients as do green leafy veggies. So can a bunny live on hay and pellets alone....Yes! I would not give up however, I would try some other veggies before giving up on...
  13. mochajoe

    What kind of interactions does your rabbit(s) want from you?

    Bunnies are all so different with what they like and don't like...Bunnies I have had in the past... OLIVER (mini lop) rescue, loved to cuddle, would come when called and pretty much thought he owned the place TAFFY (Dutch x Holland) cuddle for a few minutes and then I was chopped liver... MOCHA...
  14. mochajoe

    What Type?

    I always laugh when opinions are asked for...everyone has different likes and dislikes, different experiences, and different opinions! And of course, different bunnies!!! They are like children, you could have 10 and they would all be different! We have 4 of each, 4 children and 4 bunnies and...
  15. mochajoe

    My bunny panics when i try to hold her :(

    We feel your pain!!!! Funfetti is super sweet and cuddly (once you have her) and we are resolving ourselves to the same thing! It is really tough given that our other two are ultra cuddle Reeses is 6 months old and he will fall asleep in the crook of my neck and practically begs to be...
  16. mochajoe

    My bunny panics when i try to hold her :(

    Unfortunately, some bunnies just are not fond of being picked up :( Our mini lop Carrot, we got him at 8 weeks, till the day he died did NOT like being picked up! Our 3 1/2 month old, was raised in a classroom from birth to 10 weeks of age! She is super friendly like Carrot was as well, just...
  17. mochajoe

    bored bunny solutions

    Animals of all kinds all have different personalities and different likes and the mother of four children... A couple of them love being outside, love being active...while the other two prefer being inside...reading etc. kind of like the old can lead a horse to water...
  18. mochajoe

    Ripley is getting neutered. *Ahhh!*

    Everyone has answered your questions so I won't repeat...I will just add a few things! I had my bunny Reese's neutered a couple of months ago and he came through fine. That is not to say I wasn't worried sick and on pins and needles until I knew he was fine! I will say, bunnies usually bounce...
  19. mochajoe

    Bunny Favorites?

    As the mother of four children...they are unique...I love them all dearly, but I love them differently...that is not to say I love any one of them more or less than the other...just different! That is how I feel about my animals as well! We have a menagerie and each animal is loved but each one...
  20. mochajoe

    dead bug in timothy hay

    Just remember bunnies live and thrive in the wild! I have had bunnies for over 20 years and I have always fed my bunnies horse quality hay, as I also have horses. I have never had a problem! So unless Kaytee or Oxbow or any of those other very over priced suppliers of hay (sorry, major pet peave...