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  1. mochajoe


    I have 4 bunnies and they are all different what they love to play with...and what they don't! And honestly in over 20 years of having pet bunnies, some bunnies can take toys or leave them...while others will play with anything in sight or chew on everything they can get there little teeth on...
  2. mochajoe

    Really frustrated with my Rabbit :(

    I'm so sorry for your large vet bill...I hope your dog is okay! Unfortunately, I think it is very likely your bunny's behavior is directly related to being intact. My suggestion is that you contact your local humane society or SPCA and see where there is a low cost spay/neuter program. I think...
  3. mochajoe

    What kind of bedding do you like to use and why?

    I HIGHLY recommend the Equine Pellets from TSC!!!!! That is what I use in my horse's stall as well as all 4 bunnies' litter boxes.....I LOVE IT!!!! Given that all my bunnies are litter box trained I do not use any other bedding in their cages!
  4. mochajoe

    How often do you empty the litter box?

    I use Equine Pine Pellets in my litter boxes and I feel it is very effective in controlling the odor. We have 3 out of 4 bunnies in the living I change our litter boxes every 2-3 days.
  5. mochajoe

    How much will spaying affect Clover?

    The most important thing about getting your bunny spayed is health related....unfixed female rabbits are much more likely to develop cancer! Having lost our male bunny (he was my daughter's show bunny and so he was older....I opted to NOT have him fixed as he was perfectly awesome as an intact...
  6. mochajoe

    Thinking of changing pellets..

    I agree wholeheartedly with OakRidgeRabbits!!!!! "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" Everyone has to do what works for their bunnies, their pocketbook, their lifestyle....and what works for one may not work for someone else! I love my bunnies like 4 legged members of my family....any who knows me...
  7. mochajoe

    What do you feed and what is your feeding schedule?

    My bunnies have hay 24/7, pellets in am and a bowl full of greens (they usually get a combo of cilantro, kale and chicory) in the pm. Occasionally, they get a sliver of banana (their MOST favorite treat), piece of apple, strawberries, blueberries, or blackberries. They also get bunny "trail mix"...
  8. mochajoe

    What color is this girl?

    Smoked pearl???
  9. mochajoe

    New baby not eating Cecotropes :(

    Pretzel is a darling! He is a chocolate harlequin Holland Lop. It was love at first sight...the first picture our breeder friend posted when he just had enough fur to determine color and still had his eyes closed! We did a happy dance a few weeks later when he was a buck...that meant he was...
  10. mochajoe

    New baby not eating Cecotropes :(

    Here is a picture of Pretzel on my daughter's lap on the car ride home...very mellow boy!
  11. mochajoe

    New baby not eating Cecotropes :(

    Yes...that is what I am finding...formed and then smooshed! When I have cleaned them up, I can can see some that are still formed. I will definitely keep my eye on him! Thank you for your help!
  12. mochajoe

    New baby not eating Cecotropes :(

    Thank you!
  13. mochajoe

    New baby not eating Cecotropes :(

    We have a new baby..Pretzel was 8 weeks on Sunday (3/24) and we brought him home that afternoon. Pretzel is acting fine, eating, pooping already peeing exclusively in his litter box after only 3 days. However, I have cleaned up 3-4 spots with what appears to be cecotropes as it is very soft...
  14. mochajoe

    Urine big trouble, missy.

    So sorry for your litter box training struggles!!! We have been very blessed with our boys, however our girls have been more challenging! Is Cassie spayed? Our girl we have now, has been much better about using the litter box since she was spayed a couple weeks ago. Our newest little boy, 8...
  15. mochajoe

    So What is Juniper?

    A cutie for sure!!! Maybe some Dutch given his markings...however, his color is not Dutch! How big is he? Is he full grown? Regardless of what he is...super cute!!!
  16. mochajoe

    More trouble :(

    In my thoughts and prayers....
  17. mochajoe

    Funny questions you get as a bunny owner

    I have been really lucky I guess...I have never really been asked stupid questions! I have gotten funny looks a few times. You all think having pet rabbits get questions and looks...I also have pet rats! I get all kinds of questions and looks about owning rats! Several commented on getting...
  18. mochajoe

    What could this be? Mites? Fleas?

    Like previously suggested, I would highly recommend calling your vet a seeing if they would just prescribe a dose of revolution! One of my bunnies contracted mites and Revolution worked like a charm! Given his size, the tube for cats, I was able to treat him twice (2 months) with the same tube...
  19. mochajoe

    My Bunny has Cancer/large tumor, I need advice!

    We just lost our 6 yr old mini lop last fall to a testicular tumor. Like with your bunny, it came out of nowhere!!! Our vet is VERY bunny savvy and given the location, his symptoms (one of the biggest being increasing paralysis in his hind end) we felt the tumor had spread and his quality of...
  20. mochajoe

    I'm sure this has been asked before, but....

    From someone (me) who lost a beloved rabbit late last fall to a testicular tumor, I am a HUGE advocate for spaying and neutering! He was my daughter's show bunny, so we did not have Jim neutered. Once his show days were over, he was older and he was such an awesome, sweet, wonderful bunny who...