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  1. iluvmybuns

    Number of Buns

    I only have 2 because it is all I have room for but as soon as I buy a house, I'll add at least 1 and if I can't make a trio...well then...4!
  2. iluvmybuns

    Head butt hello?

    You know what I have two buns and I've had my girl from the Petstore since she was teeny tiny. Same personality differences. My older boy I got from the shelter and he is outgoing and not scared of anyone. My girl is paranoid and runs from everything. She is sweet though, but, very nervous...
  3. iluvmybuns

    Harsh chemicals and buns

    That's a good idea...I know I'm keeping them out for a few days and I was planning on vaccuuming and mopping... And obviously wiping everything down and all that. Deep sigh...Wish I didn't have to do this.
  4. iluvmybuns

    Harsh chemicals and buns

    They are doing this tomorrow, so anyone with advice please let me know. I kinda didn't want to do it but we have to go through all the procedures before they let me break my contract....dumb. I REALLY do not want to see my babies get sick, especially from something I did.:(
  5. iluvmybuns

    Harsh chemicals and buns

    Okay yeah cause I'm paranoid... Is vaccuuming the carpet enough? Or do you think I should get it cleaned?
  6. iluvmybuns

    Really Really Pleased

    Yaaaay!! Good job Wash!!! :highfive: I know now that I have a screen I'll never go back to a litter box without one...
  7. iluvmybuns

    Shoot me

    Haha it's funny you say that, my BF put it on the other day, and I had to watch. Except the whole time I'm going "Those spiders are not even that bad....." Haha that is pitiful. Except the garage part. That gives me nightmares.:biggrin2:
  8. iluvmybuns

    Harsh chemicals and buns

    Okay so I am having my apartment "Bombed" Tuesday. Obviously I am getting the bunnies out, but I want to know if anyone has had this done before, how long before I can bring them home?
  9. iluvmybuns

    Shoot me

    Well they are trying to fix the problem, I just don't see it as possible.... They have sprayed a million times, and they came and cut away all the bushes/trees that touched the walls. They resealed all the windows and doorwall They are coming to set off a bug-bomb Tuesday so we'll see what...
  10. iluvmybuns

    Is Ozzy sick?

    He's been sleeping but they usually do that this time of day. I'll keep an eye on him, sorry if I sound paranoid posting stupid questions on here.
  11. iluvmybuns

    Do not have a bunny but thinking of getting one. I have questions!

    Hi I answered on your other one, but I have done both petstore and shelter, and now that I volunteer at a shelter, I'd only ever do that, because I see them. Some people are super against buying them at petstores, but the way I see it, those buns are already living in bad conditions and need...
  12. iluvmybuns

    Rehome: Michigan - RIP LITTLE SADIE GIRL

    Oh my god she's so cute, butI have my hands full right now with my 2 and trying to move myself. Hope you can find someone, I'll ask around, too.
  13. iluvmybuns

    Dont have a bunny... can you help me with questions?

    Hi and Welcome. I'm Julia and here are my opinions: 1. Are they messy? Depends on if you're messy or not;) 2. are they easy to leash and litter train? Litter train yes, leash I never tried 3. What do they eat and how much? Timothy hay (Unlimited) and Pellets, green veggies 4. I...
  14. iluvmybuns

    Is Ozzy sick?

    :( his ears aren't warm and he let me pick him up and cuddle him for a minute before he ran away.....
  15. iluvmybuns

    Oh MY GOD - humping

    Okay THAT is hilarious. Poor bun.
  16. iluvmybuns

    Is Ozzy sick?

    Thank you so much!! The next opening is Thursday I'll take him in then. I couldn't stand to see him suffer if there is something wrong
  17. iluvmybuns

    Shoot me

    Thanks Amy, it is nice to have a whole apt all by yourself. Deep sigh, I am going to have to suck it up and just deal I guess.
  18. iluvmybuns


    I can see it now, Amy and I are BOTH going to end up with a Hedgie. And if I get one I'm doing the lamest thing ever and naming it Sonic. Boy or girl. Don't even care. Haha. I'm so lame.
  19. iluvmybuns

    Tons of shedding

    Furminator all the way. I got a whole other bunny's worth of fur off of Ozzy that way, plus he LOVES it he thinks he's getting high-class pampered and tooth purrs the whole time. So cute.
  20. iluvmybuns

    Is Ozzy sick?

    Okay my vet won't be in til Thursday, so, what kind of Nutrical do I buy? Is there one spec. for rabbits? Or should I get the one for puppies? I feel so bad for my baby. Should I bring Pepsi too? Cause she can get sick from him right?