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  1. iluvmybuns

    Pepsi and Ozzy

    Well it has been forever since I posted anything on the blog here, since I still have no camera cord. Lame. But just to update: Both my babies are happy, healthy, and messy as always! We did have a bout of GI stasis with my baby Ozzy a while ago. That was a very scary thing, I thought I...
  2. iluvmybuns

    Which forum rabbits are important to you?

    Yeah I haven't done anything on their blog since the new forum, cause Ozzy ate my camera cord... And I feel like noone wants to read them if there aren't pics. But I should go update it...If I can find it. Haley is the only one who put mine, but that's because they take vacations at her...
  3. iluvmybuns

    Any Beatles Fans out there?

    Ahh I didn't watch the trailer til now for some reason! OMG I need to see it. The only theaters showing it are like 50 miles away but what the heck it looks necessary
  4. iluvmybuns

    I Quit Smoking

    Yay go you! That's awsome, sticking to it is the hardest thing. I quit for over a year and started again a few months ago...maybe I should get in on the support group and get myself back on track!
  5. iluvmybuns

    RESCUE: Michigan- anyone?

    Aw Mocha and Latte are sweet, you want them. Come on, you know you can handle 2 more......Since you are now a pro bunny referree.....Haha sorry couldn't resist!:biggrin2:
  6. iluvmybuns

    Any Beatles Fans out there?

    Loooooooooooooove the Beatles!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! My fav band of all time ever!!!!!!
  7. iluvmybuns

    RESCUE: Michigan- anyone?

    Oh yay!!! That's so exciting!!!
  8. iluvmybuns

    In Memory of the best English Lop around

    Oh Katt I just saw this now. I am so sorry,he was such a beautiful boy. Binkie free sweet Herman
  9. iluvmybuns

    Another bunny?

    Another vote for another bunny!!!!!! Yaay!
  10. iluvmybuns

    RESCUE: Michigan- anyone?

    Might I add- They are both very sweet and they're the only two that don't try to eat your hand at feeding time. They sit very patiently and then gobble up their food. I love them too Haley. I don't have any room either. Sucks to see all these sweet little babies there sometimes.
  11. iluvmybuns

    Two Chicago Euth List rabbits-RESOLVED!

    I could help transporting to Midwest, but not till Sunday or Monday. I have no room for fosters tho :?
  12. iluvmybuns

    What is going on lately?

    It is really terrible lately, every time I walk into the bunny room I get a pit in my stomach til I see them both:(
  13. iluvmybuns


    tundrakatiebean wrote: No need for that, I can be patient :)I just like to check since the post office hates me.
  14. iluvmybuns


    I still haven't gotten Pepsi and Ozzy.... :(
  15. iluvmybuns

    About Qingqing in China

    Aww she's so pretty! My buns react well to metacam when they're in pain but I don't know if you guys have it over there. Hopefully someone more experienced in meds will chime in. Could you just call the vet and see if they will give you the meds without the bunny, seeing as they don't know...
  16. iluvmybuns

    *RESOLVED* DESPERATE!!! Need a home for found bunny.... (LONG)

    DEFINATELYa hotot. And I need him. But I'm so far. Oh my god he is sooo sweet. I wish I could take ALL the hotots. We have a number of them in the shelter and I have one myself. I just don't have the room.....:( Good Luck!! You are doing your best
  17. iluvmybuns

    Should she stay or should she go? UPDATE: YukonDaisy Gets Newt!

    Hmm if she is normally good in the car I don't see why not. Especially if you aren't driving, you can give her attention. I'd say for bonding purposes it would be great. I'd love to take my bunnies with me everywhere if I could! Especially for that long!
  18. iluvmybuns

    Midwest Rabbit Rescue needs some help

    That must be rough:(I get sad everytime I see Del cause he looks EXACTLY like Ozzy and I feel so bad for him with his little messed up eye. I am going on Monday for sure so I'll get to see all the babies. I'm glad you were able to bring them there already. At least you didn't have to have your...
  19. iluvmybuns

    Midwest Rabbit Rescue needs some help

    If you need any help let me know, I'm off Monday
  20. iluvmybuns

    20 facts about yourself

    Okay here I go let's see how far I get, I'm kinda boring 1. I'm 22 years old and a manager of a hair salon 2. I live by myself, although my boyfriend stays all the time 3. I have two sisters, one is a stepsister but she counts 4. My dad and stepmom have been married for more of my...