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  1. Michaela


    irishbunny wrote: So many people eat potatoes every day here! Lol! I never eat them as I don't like them, but that's an irish stereotype that is pretty true. :)
  2. Michaela


    Oh wow look at all this food! You all seem to make such an effort for dinner everyday. :shock: I usually just have something very simple, like a toasted sandwich. xD Hmm what did I have today.. a chicken panini. That's about exciting as it gets.
  3. Michaela

    How stupid is this?`

    I get why they are doing it, knife crime is awful awful awful and so out of control in the UK. But it won't work.
  4. Michaela

    Russel Rabbit Food

    Yeah, Supreme Science Selective. It's a good food. Do they carry any "Supa Rabbit" mixes? They are made by Burgess, who also make Supa Rabbit Excel, so they might be able to order that in for you to (it's cheaper than SS but still a good plain pellet food). No harm in asking. :)
  5. Michaela

    Russel Rabbit Food

    If the petshop carries Russel Rabbit, they should be able to get in some Science Selective for you, as both are made by Supreme. Why don't you ask?
  6. Michaela


    I'm back. :) Had a great time, super tired after the journey back though. Alicia I never realised that was so close to you! :shock: I would have loved to have met you too, but it was a school trip so they would never have let me! :( But I loved it there so much! If I can I will definitely go...
  7. Michaela


    I am so excited! :D We are going to New Hampshire with the school, I've never been to the US before. I've been skiing in Switzerland and I loved that, so I know I like to ski! I have a long day ahead of me though.. ugh.. I have to be up at about 4.30 and we are leaving for the airport around...
  8. Michaela

    Where do you buy your NIC Grids?

    Yes Becca I have them ones. This is Maddie's cage; (It's actually different to this now though, but it's about the same size). I bought three boxes but that took 2 exactly, you could make one with more space but using the same number of grids I just wanted her to have three floors. She...
  9. Michaela

    Where do you buy your NIC Grids?

    I got mine in B&Q. :)
  10. Michaela

    Berri has went over to the bridge

    :pink iris: Over 2 years now, I still think about Berri, and miss her, all the time. :(
  11. Michaela

    GIMP Help

    Eww GIMP. Horrible software. Some people can really take to it I never did though. But nope, don't think you can animate on it. Try a Photoshop trial? I made a guide once to make animated avatars, it should be floating about in Chat about the forum. :)
  12. Michaela

    Would You Eat Any of This Stuff?

    Oh my gosh yuk! The Ginormous rice crispie cake is very cool though. :D
  13. Michaela

    Twilight Saga *SPOILERS*

    My mum had problems getting them for me (they were Christmas presents), she had to wait ages for Eclipse, and one of the others, possibly New Moon.. and that was before the film even came out.
  14. Michaela

    Twilight Saga *SPOILERS*

    irishbunny wrote: Good for you! Don't listen to them, just read it and if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. The people who have bought the 40 million that have been sold can't all be "emo" anyway. ;)
  15. Michaela

    Twilight Saga *SPOILERS*

    Bunnys_rule63 wrote: Exactly! It's just for fun, I wasn't planning on telling anyone I had read them, then came back after Christmas and all of a sudden everyone was talking about them, so unexpected! :D Some people have gone too far though, they seem to think Edward Cullen is real... even a...
  16. Michaela

    Twilight Saga *SPOILERS*

    irishbunny wrote: How can a book be "emo"? :?
  17. Michaela

    Muffin's First Gotcha Day!

    Happy Gotcha day Muffin! :party0002: She is gorgeous, and looks so happy. :)
  18. Michaela

    They cut my hours at work

    Yeah mine mostly seems to go on lunch and books too, but I'd have to use work money otherwise, so it's good. Good luck with the job hunt! :D
  19. Michaela

    babies 3.....

    Binky free little baby bunnies. :rainbow:
  20. Michaela

    Possible new Bun

    You are an Angel Jessica!